Ch63: Long Hours

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Several days later...

3rd POV

For the last several days Y/N has been working hard on her idea. She's been writing notes and project plans, studying different types of books and stay up all night working on this idea.

The others weren't too concerned because she usually was this concentrated when she's working on something big or great for the team or for herself but they were curious.

Right now its 12:56, midnight. She was in the workshop studying and working as bexley was asleep in their room and she didn't want to ruin her sleep schedule.

Someone else in the house was currently awake too but didn't know she was awake as well. Not until this moment when Y/N got up and grabbed her coffee cup an started to head down the steps.

She forgets there's an elevator but this gave the person more time to feel awake and know it was really her...


Coffee has kept me up so I could continue my work. I eventually made it to the living room and yawned as I headed to the kitchen. My vision was a little blurry due to little sleep and how much my eyes just want to close and sleep wherever I am.

I got to the kitchen and saw no one there as I should have guessed. I got some more coffee(unless you don't like coffee then it's whatever you want) and stood there for a moment.

My eyes closed, begging me to get some rest but I woke myself up and shook my head as if it would help. I then felt hands on my hips but thought I was in a dream and tried to wake myself up.

"Go to sleep, you aren't taking care of yourself." Someone mumbled," this isn't good for you."

Maybe it wasn't a dream after all. I turned around and saw tyler in which my eyes widened and I turned back around and grabbed my mug. I got away from him and cleared my throat.

"I'm fine, I just need to finish this and I'm nowhere near done-"

"Then finish it when you have the strength and energy to do it!" He said

I rubbed one of my eyes and shook my head.

"No it'll take longer-"

"It'll take care of your health!" He said as I felt hands on my hips again

He took away my mug and I turned to him an tried to take it back.

"Go to bed." He said

"No." I answered as I rubbed my eyes again

He put the mug far from my reach and then held me back so I couldn't get it. He picked me up and took me away from the kitchen and I had little energy to fight back.

"If you aren't gonna sleep then we need to talk." He said

"About what! Theres nothing to say anymore if your referring to our break up-"

He put me down and made me look at him.

"Well there's a lot I need to say because I fucked up!" He said as his eyes teared up a little

It was silent now and I was fully awake now. I crossed my arms and looked down to the floor.

"Fine..." I said," but it won't change my mind or the way you hurt me."

He put his hand on my face and tried make me look at him but I refused as his other hand grab my hand and put it on his chest.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get upset or angry, I got jealous and greedy!" He said, almost pleading," I didn't mean anything and I should have stopped when I saw the fear in your eyes!"

I felt him put his head on mine but felt a weight in my chest.

"I'm an idiot, I deserve to get this from you, I'm the one to blame but I miss you so much! I was blinded with jealousy and I get that I said a lot of messed up shit but I was just scared you would have left me but I ended up making you leave..." He said as I felt something wet on the side of my face

He then moved my hand up and I felt a necklace, but not just one, there were two. My eyes widened a bit and I looked up to see our necklaces that represented our love.

He didn't have a shirt on which I also noticed but didn't bother me. He then moved his head next to mine and held me close.

"Please come back, I promise I'll do better! I won't tell you what to do or want from you! I won't be jealous, I won't be upset, please!" He begged," I really miss you..."

My eyes teared up and I wanted to give him a second chance...but sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet because they missed the first time.

I got away from him and rubbed my eyes.

"I-I'm going to bed..." I said

I turned to the stairs and went up them as fast as I could. I cleaned my eyes and then headed to my room but heard a door open.

I looked up and saw marcel. He saw me, rubbed his eyes then saw me again.

"You alright?" He asked

I nodded and went to my room and closed the door. I locked it and then got in bed and tried not to wake bexley.

"Damn you almost slammed the door shut." Bexley said sleepily

"Sorry." I whispered

"Did somethin happen?" She yawned

It was too late at night for drama so I just got comfy.

"I'll tell you in the morning..." I answered softly

"M'kay I'll kick whoever did something's ass too." She mumbled as it sounded like she drifted back to sleep

I closed my eyes slightly and just stared into the darkness.

"They don't need to be hurt anymore...separating was enough..." I mumbled

I let myself rest and slowly drifted to sleep...

Marcel POV

"That doesn't sound alright."  I mumbled as I heard her door lock

I knew she's been working on something, she's put in all her time into what ever she's doing. I then went to the elevator and pressed the fourth floor to see what she was working on.

As the elevator went up, I felt like I was intruding on something I wasn't supposed to see. It felt like I was invading her privacy.

I arrived to the fourth floor and stepped off. I opened the door and saw the table with a bunch of books, pencils, rulers and one big notebook which was opened.

I went over to it and saw the books were opened as well. I then noticed the laptop that was open but had a black screen due to being on too long with no interaction.

I swiped my finger on the surface of the mouse, y'know it's in the middle at the bottom. The screen turned on and there was so many tabs open and some more overlaying the one she had open.

But one of them caught my attention.

"Ten easy sites to learn about surgery, step by step perfection taught by surgeons?" I read aloud

I thought she might've wanted to help brock with medical stuff as he was the only one of us professional enough to do it.

I didn't want to snoop through anything else because it felt wrong and so I left. I yawned and got on the elevator to head back down to my room.

'She might be overworking herself?'

I leaned on the wall and crossed my arms.

'Maybe I should try to cheer her up or get her mind off things!'

But little did I know this would lead me to my doom...

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