Ch98: Fuck

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Two days Later...


Bailey has been hurting me whenever she felt bored but also looked terrified each time I acted like I stopping breathing.

"AHHH!" I screamed as she electrocuted me

I could hear her giggle as I could also heard chains and a dark growl coming from somewhere. I took in deep breaths as my body twitched and shook from the aftermath of the electricity.

Bailey had mercy though. She would beat the shit out of any of the males who tried to rape me or touch me and make sure I was fine. At least she was fair about that.

I didn't have mel with me, I let him escape and go back to the bbs so they could find me. He left this morning and I let him unlock his memory files so they could try an find where they have me.

But they might also see some of the torture bailey has put me through if they went back far enough.

"Alright, I had my fun." Bailey said," toss in her new friend~!"

I slowly got up, struggling a bit as I took a stand. They blocked off the openings of the cell and brought in a crate. They opened it and ran out, locking the door.

A young alligator, and it was old enough to be able to attack me an do some damage. I got on the bed and did not want to test my luck with that!

Bailey laughed while I panicked.

"BAILEY NO!" I screamed

The alligator walked around and started coming to the bed.

"BAILEY!!" I shouted

She only laughed as I stood up on the bed and put myself against the wall. They brought in two more crates and my heart started racing because one of them was a LOT bigger.

They took out the first one and then opened the other two. Another baby and probably a momma alligator. They both came out as they left and I was just frozen.

I tried to relax as bailey left and the alligators roamed around the floor. Tears filled my eyes as I was so fucked if I moved or even got near the babies.

My body started shaking but I didn't want to bother the gators. Bailey must know a momma alligator will attack if a human is near their nest but there is no nest just two babies.

I kept calm and just didn't disturb them. I was scared as shit but didn't do anything that could cause the alligator to hurt me.

I put my hands over my mouth as I really felt like crying, I was just scared, I was panicked. I don't know what to do. I closed my eyes and the tears that I held in came out.

I slowly crouched against the wall and cried silently.

"Shit!" I said as I realized I could die right now

I could really die here and now, never seeing anybody I love or care about...never saying goodbye... I cleaned my eyes and breathed.

"No!" I said determined," no, I will not die here! I will not cry! I will not let death sink in to my mind!"

I cleaned my face and looked at the gators. I slowly got off the bed and was gonna try an put the babies in the box and try to hold down the momma.

But then a bucket of fish was thrown in and someone ducked under the wall coverings and I missed them again.

"I wouldn't try fighting them." She said, her voice strong and powerful

The gators went to the fish and started to munch down on them.

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