Ch79: Ah Yes! Danger, Hello!

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( (・`ω'・)  )

Max told us a plan that he would take us in and have us tied up. He would get the money first then do a cool escape and kill the game master.

Riley was wrapped around me and holding my mask.

"Be careful with my mask please, it's special!" I said as riley formed a small knife an put it to my neck

"Okay Y/N." Riley answered

"Thank you." I replied

"It's special!" Marcel bragged

Bexley an salim tied up the boys and we were almost at the place that was called The Hub. Sounds like a transport place for a train or some shit.

"Jeez we have not been tied up in years, I hate it." Nogal complained

"Yeah, I'm glad we got good enough to avoid this." Smitty said

"Oh, well there goes my patience for this itchy rope." Kryoz said," out the window, bye!"

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Relax it won't be on long." Max said

"What about me an salim?" Bexley asked

"I wanna see if I cam get extra for you two." Max said

"You greedy bastard-"

"You're tying yourself up." Salim said

"What the- you both are fucking worthless!" Bexley complained

"Mel tie up bexley." I said

Mel turned to his monkey self and jumped to the back.

"Thank you rex, and thank you mel!" Bexley said," this is why I only like Rex!"

I chuckled and once mel was done he came back an wrapped around my neck again.

"I still can't get over how you made him like how I made riley!" Max said," I thought I was the only nerd who cared about shit like that."

"Only one?! Me and my dad are suckers for shit like this! I was born for this and my dad was born for this!" I said," its in my damn blood and I love it!"

"Um, hey! Hello? Half robot with the same brain and genius is back here as well!" Brian said

"Well we're talking about our bots-"

"Actually if it weren't for terrorizer, my first bot would have never worked properly! And he helped me get my notes together for my project on mel." I said," if it weren't for him, mel might've not been made and bun bun would be in need of repairs all the time."

"Bun bun was your first bot, huh?" Max asked," which is bun bun?"

"She gave bun bun to me, and I love bun bun! I left her at the house though because I didn't want her to get destroyed or break herself if I got in danger." Bexley said

"Ah I see." Max said

We then went through a dark tunnel and it was straight as a light was at the end. But max turned to the right and the wall opened up an had a road going down.

I was amazed already and complimented their wall.

"Are you serious-"

"Its a cool entrance with a clever hidden underground lair! I will definitely compliment them for this!" I complained

"It gets better." Max said

"Really!" I asked

"No, but there is a fancy hallway with exotic flowers." He said

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