Ch108: The Devils

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The Next Day

Delirious POV

"This stays between us, and us only!" Evan said," No. One. Tell. Y/N!!! Got it!"

Everyone agreed as bexley snickered.

"She should be on missions more often." Bexley teased," this is fun."

Bell giggled as they watched tv and I shook my head.

"Not a word from you two either!!" Evan scolded

He went and gave them a whole speech to beg them not to tell Y/N what we did. Or what happened.

Well what happened though was we tried to shower the dogs but then the dogs did a little thing called, bite, and so we let them go.

They then ran inside looking for Y/N because she showers them, she knows what they like. They trashed the house but Y/N, bexley and bells rooms were perfectly fine.

The dogs are outside now but we stayed up all night cleaning the house and trying to make it look like nothing happened.

"Evan." Brian shouted from upstairs

"What now!" Evan complained

"Who cleans the lab equipment?" Brian asked

Evan groaned a little and the others were tired.

"How the fuck does she do this everyday! We're so fucking bad!!" Tyler said

"She deals with drama, she deals with her assassin shit, she does shit for us around the house, she gives us attention- this woman needs more than appreciation and a vacation." Luke said

"She needs better house mates." Bexley said

"Ooooo~!" Bell oo'd like if it was a roast

"You shut it bexley!" Lui said

"Ya wanna know one thing you guys didn't realize." Bexley asked as she flipped through different channels

"What?" We asked

"She does- and listen carefully!" She said," She Does The Laundry."

It was silent as she stopped on a movie.

"Now let that sink in." She said cocky

A few of the guys blushed or covered their faces and a few of them face palmed. Evan was just chill about it till his eyes widened.

"OH SHIT!" Evan said," I just realized what Bexley meant!"

"Yeah, she washes our clothes! And any embarrassing clothes you wear, well she see's my dear idiots!" Bexley said," she's told me about some batman underwear the other day~!"

Bell started laughing as we looked at each other to see who reacted to that.

"So who else feels like we should never piss off Y/N-"

"I'm going to bed." Evan said

The others agreed and went upstairs.

"So much for cool and tough guys." Bexley scoffed," this is fun, Y/N should leave more often."

"But I miss her, she does my buns and lets me get away with things!" Bell said," she lets me eat ice cream!!"

"Awe." Bexley said," i miss her too, she's fun and cool, but she's gotta do her own thing too! We can't always have her to ourselves because she has her own shit that she wants to do."

They both agreed on that and then I headed upstairs. I took what they said into consideration and started to really think long and hard about it...

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