Chapter 59~!

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We swayed to and fro on the dance floor, letting the calm music flow over us peacefully. Then the music changed to something more modern and lively, and my face broke out into a grin as we separated and danced crazily. It might have looked like I'd been dancing by myself, but on a night like tonight, who cares? I was no longer single, and so far this night had been a magical one (figuratively speaking).

"So how was the date?" America asked me as he and Kylie came up to us after the song ended.

"It was good," I replied, smiling secretively at my boyfriend. "We had a great time."

"Yeah?" America said, also wearing a mischievous smile. "I wonder what happened..."

"Yes, and you always will," I said, but he just laughed and shook his head.

"God, this is too funny!" he said, and Kylie giggled as well.

We looked at them, one to the other. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh nothing, nothing," Kylie said between giggles. "Don't worry yourself over it."

A feeling of dread washed over me. "Wait a minute... Were you guys-?"

"Run!" America exclaimed, pulling his sister along before I could finish my thought.

"Okay, that was weird, eh," Canada said with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, I agree," I said as I turned to face him. "You wanna go get something to drink?"

"Hola chica!" Spain greeted as he passed us by, accompanied by a certain Frenchman.

"We 'ave impeccable taste in style, non?" France said, showing off the suit he was wearing while Spain copied the act although with a different pose.

"Yes you do," I agreed with a little laugh. "Thanks again for the dress, it's wonderful!"

"No need to thank us, Melina," Spain said with a flippant wave of his hand.

"Oui! And as long as you and Mathieu 'ave a good time, zhen it was worth it."

I agreed and Matthew and I made our way over to the refreshment table. There a certain British gentleman did a double-take upon sighting me. I grabbed a plastic cup and began to fill it up with punch while England walked over.

"Excuse me, but I don't believe we've met," he said, holding out a hand to shake. "My name is Arthur Kirkland. And who might you be?"

I couldn't hold back a small giggle, but thankfully it was swallowed up by the music. "My name is Melina. Nice to meet you, Arthur."

"It's lovely to meet you as well. I say, you look remarkably like a friend of mine. Perhaps you know him?"

"Possibly. Can you describe him for me?" I asked, although I knew exactly who he was thinking of.

"Well, he has your hair color and eye color, to begin with. He's about my height, and by the looks of those heels I'd say you are, too. His name is Malcolm Middleton. Does he sound familiar?"

I laughed a little. "Of course! That's my twin brother you're describing. I'm Melina Middleton." 'Whoa, thank goodness I didn't say "Melina Andrews". That would've been bad.'

"Malcolm never said he had a twin sister," England said.

"Well he doesn't really want to let people know about me. He's so overprotective," I said with a small shake of my head. "He's also embarrassed that he's younger, especially since I hold it over him whenever I can."

"Oh, I see," England said. "Well I'm afraid I'll have to be going now. My date will be wondering where I went."

"Oh, well, we wouldn't want her getting worried," I said. "It was great to meet you, though."

"Yes, the feeling is mutual." He kissed my hand in a gentlemanly fashion and then left to find his date.

"Well, that was funny," I said as I turned around and saw Canada looking depressed. "What's the matter, Mattie?"

"Was he flirting with you?" he asked me, and my mouth formed an "O".

"No! No, of course not! He has a date with him and besides I'm not into him. In case you haven't heard the latest news, I'm already taken," I whispered conspiratorially into his ear, making him smile and peck my cheek.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it."

I smiled and lifted my cup to my lips in time to do a spit-take when someone began shouting something that made my heart nearly stop.

"Hey, everyvone! Zhe dorms are on fire!"

"What?" I shrieked in unison with Canada, and we looked at each other for a split second before pushing our way through the mob that was gathering outside.

The dorms were in fact ablaze, just like what Prussia's call had told. The fire was big and would be hard to put out before long. America started to yell things at people, teachers and officials who worked with the school.

"Are the other buildings being protected? Was anybody inside? When did this happen? Why? Who's responsible?"

'Is anybody inside' I thought, the flashback I'd had in the restaurant bathroom coming around to haunt the back of my mind. With a gasp and a small shriek I clutched Canada's jacket with both my hands, making him look away from the burning building.

"What is it?" he asked me worriedly.

"Ko! Kumajirou! Zip! They're all inside still!" I cried out. "We have to do something!"

"Melina, what is there to do?" he asked, putting both of his hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes with his own teary ones. "You can't go in to get them. What else is there to do?"

"Go in and get them!" I answered, meaning myself, of course. "I won't just sit by and let them die, Mattie!"

"No, no, listen to me, Melina," he said, gently taking the sides of my face in his hands. "Please, don't act dumb. This hurts me, too, it really does," he said, and as if to prove it a tear ran down his cheek. I brushed it away and hugged him, letting him run his fingers through my wig's long hair as he wept silently. "But I couldn't bear to lose you as well."

I shook my head and looked up, pulling away slightly. "You won't lose me, Matthew."

"Thank you," he said, but when I didn't hug him again he looked at me with a look of realization. "No, Melina."

I crossed my arms and stepped back. "Just listen to me for a sec before you flip out, okay? Zip is -was- Selena's dog, and Selena ran into a burning house to save me. Well now I'm going to repay her for all the trouble her rescuing me caused."

Then I broke into a run, heading right for the flaming building. Along the way I heard Italy sob Pookie's name into Spain's shoulder and made a mental note to stop by his room as well. China was also running towards the building and I tried to catch up with him.

"China!" I said as I discarded my shoes and bracelets, throwing them into the grass. "Wait for me!"

"Melina-chan?" he exclaimed. "What are you doing, aru?"

"The same thing you're doing, apparently," I said, and he gave me a proud smile before taking my hand and pulling me along. Together we went through the front doors of the dorm building, into the inferno. The last thing I heard before all I heard was flames was America and Canada yelling my name in unison.



Don't hate me for the cliffy, I wanted to update! And sorry for the shortness, I didn't want this chapter to be super long. And I wanted to update.

Her logic doesn't make as much sense as it did when I first wrote this... Hmmmm...


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