Chapter 24~!

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"Hmm..." I sighed and looked around the food court boredly. So far we hadn't come up with anything to occupy ourselves with yet. I didn't want to talk about my story because I'd end up giving all my surprises for the plot away.

It was then that I had a stroke. Of genius!

"I spy with my little eye... someone with blue hair," I said.

"What?" Matthew asked, and I repeated myself.

"Let's play "I Spy" for a little while," I suggested.

"Uhm, okay. Is it that lady over there?" he asked, gesturing to Rayn, the very same clerk who'd helped me find the swimsuits I was looking for. I waved toher and she waved back as she left.

"Your turn."

"Hmmm... I spy something..." I tried to follow his line of sight by leaning over so our faces almost touched, but he playfully pushed me back and kept looking. "Yellow."

"Well then," I said, looking around. "Is it that elf's clothes over there?"


"Alright... That hat!"


"That scarf?"

"What scarf?"

"Obviously not that scarf, then." We shared a little laugh and I kept guessing for another five minutes.

"That ornament?"


"That ornament?"


"That ornament?!"

"It's not an ornament."

"Oh. You coulda said that like twenty ornaments ago." He smirked at my deadpanning, and I kept guessing.

"That little kiddie ride that I'm really tempted to go ride on?"

"Heheh, no."

I groaned and let the side of my head hot our table. "I give up! What is it?"

"Well, the lady wearing it left about five minutes ago," he admitted mischievously.

I shot straight up. "What? Ugh, I shoulda seen that one coming."

He laughed and I cracked a smile before searching the mall for something random, something weird, something totally crazy. 'Ah-HA!'

"I spy something green."

My roommate began searching with is eyes, his line of vision settling on a neon green, two-feet-tall mohawk on some teenaged guy.

"That mohawk?"


"I spy something... tall."


"Oh, that's it!"

"Okay, I spy something... with bark?" 'Is he catching on?'

"Tree." 'Yup!'

"I spy a... vertical log."

"Beauty, eh?"

We looked at each other and burst out laughing, until we were wiping tears from our eyes.

"Oh my gosh that was funny! I love that movie!"

"Me too! It was definitely one of my favorites."

I looked around and froze in fear for an instant. 'Was that...? No, it couldn't be. Why would he be here of all places?'

"Melina? Is everything okay?" Matthew asked with concern in his tone, and I blinked rapidly.

What is... "Home?" (Hetalia Fanfic, W.A. '13 Finalist)Where stories live. Discover now