Chapter 93~!

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Tug tug tug. "Melina." Tug tug tug. "Melina." Tug tug tug. "Melina."

"What what what brat?" I asked as I looked down at my leg and saw the expected tiny brunette girl with green eyes looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"Pay attention to me~" she whined, and I smiled at Vale's adorableness. "Oh, love you too, Auntie."

"Auntie?" I asked as I knelt down to her level.

"Yeah, you married Uncle Mattie and now you are my Auntie!" she said happily, throwing her arms around my neck and pecking my cheek. I hugged her back and spun her around, making her squeal and laugh.

"Well, I am your Auntie, but I'm not married to Uncle Mattie anymore," I told her as I set her back down on the ground.

"You're not?" she asked me, a finger against her pursed lips. "Why?"

"Well, we didn't really expect it, so we decided to get a divorce, sweetie," I explained.

"But you love each other!" Vale insisted.

I nodded, a pale pink hue reaching my cheekbones. "Yes, we do love each other, but getting married isn't something we're going to do for a long time, if at all. We don't know who I am yet, so we're unsure about doing anything more than dating."

"Are you afwaid you'll have been bitter enemies in the past?" Vale asked, her lisp reappearing even though she spoke in a very mature manner. Her tendencies were just getting weird lately...

I nodded. "That's a good reason. We also don't know how old I am, and it might get weird if I'm really young and he's a lot older than I am."

She shook her head. "No, that's not something weird among countries. But oh well! Does this mean I can be the flower girl in your real wedding?" Her bright green eyes had a puppy dog-like quality to them, definitely something she inherited from her father.

I smiled and patted her on the head. "Of course you can be the flower girl, Vale. I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Yay!" she said happily, jumping all around and making her tennis shoes squeak against the floor. Then she paused and pulled me close by my sleeve. "I'm gonna do magi~c~"

I laughed gently. "Oh, are you? What kind of magic?"

"I'm gonna make something small~"

"I'd like to see this," I said, sitting back and watching her with my chin resting in my palm. She nodded and whispered something in another language I barely caught. A ball of green light appeared in her hands before she shouted and the ball exploded. I shut my eyes to avoid being blinded just in time, and the next thing I knew she was laughing her buttox off.

"You look just like me, Auntie!"

"Huh?" I yelped, ceasing rubbing my eyes so I could look down at myself. The ground wasn't more than a foot and a half away from my eyes! My body was tiny! "Aaah! What did you do?"

Vale giggled behind her hand. "I said I was gonna make something small! I meant you, Auntie!"

"V-Vale!" I complained. "Come on, turn me back to normal! I don't like this!"

"Aw, but Auntie! We were gonna go on an adventure! It'll be easier when we're this size," she explained.

I put my anger on pause. "What kind of adventure, exactly?"

She grinned devilishly and grabbed my tiny wrist, pulling me along. "Come on, I'll show you!"


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