Chapter 83~!

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  • Dedicated to The People Who Send Me Questions...

"And we're setting sail!" Rayn exclaimed happily as we all climbed onboard the boat, which was now back in the water.

"Yaaaay for us," I murmured as I was pulled up and made to move aside for the next person.

"Wheee~!" Italy sang as he ran around the deck, his arms out on either side.

"Hey, Italy, could you please at least try to calm down?" I called after him.

He ran to the back of the boat and pointed through the crpahole to the water below. "Look! Guarda! Guarda!"

"If that translates to guano, then I don't wanna know," I said as I joined him at the hole. His finger pointed out a few gray shapes twisting and turning in the crystal-pure water below. One poked its head up and looked at us, chittering gleefully. With a gasp and a squeal, I recognized the mammals and yelled, "Dolphins! OMG!"

"I don't-a know what that-a translates to, but watch-a me go!" Italy crowed as he bellyflopped into the water to swim with the dolphins. He landed within the safety of the net and started splashing around excitedly as the friendly creatures swam around him.

I was torn; did I want to swim with dolphins for the first time in my life? Or not risk the captain's wrath?

"To hell with it, he's my ward for the moment!" I exclaimed as I cannonballed into the water next to him. The tepid water was a shock to my body, seeing as how I expected it to be a little colder. 'It's so shallow, it's not that cold! That's so weird!' "Wheee~!"

I felt a nudge on my back and turned around to see a friendly bottlenose dolphin poking me, begging for attention. With a laugh I rubbed its head and revelled in the feel of its rubbery, smooth skin. "This is so cool!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Italy yelled as he was nudged back and forth by two dolphins, almost being tossed in the air like a beachball by the force.

"What are you guys doing down there?" America called down, and I looked up to see both North Americans peering down at us curiously.

"Come on in, the water's fine!" I yelled back up and was met with two twin splashes half a moment later.

"Wow, dolphins!" Canada said happily as he splashed around to get one's attention. It came up to him and he grabbed the fin, letting the dolphin pull him along for a while.

"We need to be careful of not letting them get caught in the net, you guys," I said remindingly as I stroked my new friend's back. "I'll call you... Kujo, just because I can."

"Kumajirou?" Canada asked excitedly, looking around.

"Uh, no, Kujo. Sorry, Canada," I said apologetically.

"Oh... That's okay." He went back to splashing and getting pulled along by the dolphin.


About four days later~

"And here we are, home sweet home," Rayn said as I was carrying a fairly light crate up past the helm.

I froze and did a doubletake. "A-Are you serious? We're there?"

Captain Rayn nodded, brushing her ornately decorated, longer strand of hair back from her face. "Here, look over there," she said, pointing to a speck on the horizon.

I paled and felt my stomach do a somersault. "O-Oh, would you look at that..."

"Alright, men! Let's get her ready to bring in!" Rayn called to the crew, who gave little cheers as they worked.

'Crap... I'm doomed...'


The wooden bridge that lowered to let us disembark was lowered, and we were on solid ground for the first time that day. I looked around eagerly, my curiosity getting the best of me despite my growing fear of dying.

What is... "Home?" (Hetalia Fanfic, W.A. '13 Finalist)Where stories live. Discover now