Chapter 63~!

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"Hey, Mattie?" I began sweetly as I sat next to my boyfriend on the bed. He was reading a novel with one earbud in his ear, not really paying attention to much.

"Hmm?" he hummed while taking the earbud out and putting his book down, his thumb still marking his place.

"I was wondering if you could do something for me?"

"Such as..?" he asked, a tad worried.

I laughed and dropped the strange facade. "I was wondering if you'd teach me a little French? Just so I can get the gist of what you and France say when you're mad or whatever."

"Oh," Matthew said, and I could tell he wasn't very sure. "Um, well, the thing is, when we get mad we tend to... cuss. Do you really want to know what we're saying when we get mad?"

"Well that was just an example," I said, waving my hand flippantly. "I think it'd be cool to know more than English and a little Spanish, after all."

"Ah. Well, I suppose I could teach you some French," Matthew said. I gave a happy "Yaaay~!" and sprang from the bed.

"What's first?"

"Sleep," Matthew said, falling back onto the bed with the book over his glasses-less face.

"Sleep?" I echoed, surprised. "Why sleep? Are you tired? Why are you tired?"

"Because you are so energetic right now," Matthew replied. "I should have never taken you to that coffee place."

"Aw, you don't mean that," I cooed, sitting next to him. "Their coffee was awesome! And besides, you got something, too, didn't you?"

"Are you saying that you don't remember drinking half of my coffee? No, more like three quarters of it? In one breath?"

I blushed bashfully and shook my head. "Did I really?"

"Yes, you did."


"Hey dudes!" America's loud voice called as he threw open the door and came in holding a bag of Dunkin' Donuts' products. Well, I assumed they were products from there, considering that's what the paper bag said. "Who wants donuts?"

"Oh, oh! Me me me!" I said, waving a raised hand high in the air. "I do I do!"

"Americaaa... Why are you making things worse?" Canada grumbled. "She's hyper enough as it is."

"What're you talking about, nothing seems hyper about her right now," America said as he gave me a couple donuts. "Come on, Mattie, I know you want some."

"Are they Hortons' donuts?" he asked, and we both gave him confused looks.

"Um, no? They're Dunkin' donuts, dude. What else could they be?" America asked. "What else is better?"

"Hortons' donuts are better, that's what," Canada responded, but I paid him no mind, instead choosing to start eating my newly acquired pastries.

"Nom nom nom nom nom..." I mumbled for good measure.

"Dude, Dunkin' Donuts is so frikkin' popular!" America insisted. "I think I beat your Hortons' Donuts by a couple a miles right there."

"Oh whatever, Al. Hortons' has maple donuts."

"So does Dunkin'!"

"And you think I care because... why?"

"Imma cast some voodoo on you both if you don't get along," I grumbled, still eating. "Wait... Voodoo... Donuts... Why does that sound immensely familiar?"

"Uhm, never heard of it, dudette," America said. "Sorry."

"Me neither," Canada said.

"Hmmm... Maybe it's a hint about who I am?" I pondered before getting a bright idea. If this were an anime, a lightbulb would have appeared above my head right then.

Hurrying to the coffee table, I opened my laptop and navigated the trackpad to the Internet icon, thanking all that is holy for Wifi. When Google was open I typed in "voodoo donuts" and waited with anticipation. When all the searches were made it came up with-

"Nothing? No clues to my identity?" I griped, looking at all the websites for voodoo and donuts but none put together that made sense. "Darn, I really thought I was on to something there..."

"Oh well. Maybe we can go to Hortons' sometime, though," Canada suggested.




"Neither!" I yelled. "Yeesh, you guys! Give it a rest, will ya?"

"Oh! Hey, that reminds me of somethin' I meant to tell you earlier today," America said. "Almost forgot these donuts were just an excuse to come up here, heheh..."

"Eh?" Canada mumbled, looking at him strangely. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well... Melina, ever since the attack and the letter and all that, the headmaster's been suspecting you. Because you don't have a country yet, y'know?" America said. "He wants to meet you and get to know you so he can tell if you're someone we need to watch or not."

"What?" I yelped. "Are you kidding me? Me, a suspect in the attack?"

"Hey, I thought it was a load of BS, too, but the headmaster's the headmaster so we gotta do what he says."

"Ugh..." I grumbled. "I don't even know what the headmaster looks like or what his name is."

"Oh, he's a nice guy. He and Kadi are really good friends, I've heard," America assured me.

"So, what? I go meet him and assure him I'm not a terrorist?" I asked.

"Basically yeah. But you hang out with him and just show him you aren't a terrorist."

"Well how'm I supposed to do that?" I asked testily. "You guys know I'm not a terrorist. Isn't that enough?"

"'Fraid not."

"It'll be fine, Melina," Canada assured me. "He's nice and all, a bit of a player, but other than that he's okay."

I sighed and bowed my head in defeat. "Fine. I'll go meet this guy and show him I'm not evil."


MUwahahahahahaha~! Who is the headmaster? Read on to find out!

Well, when I post, that is. XD WUVS~!!

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