Chapter 64~!

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Grouchily I followed America and Canada out to the street, where a car was waiting to take us to the school. I was really only covering up my nervousness by being grouchy, but still. I couldn't help it! I didn't want to go to this thing! I didn't know the headmaster at all, and not only that but my very existence as it is now was in a lot of danger!

"Hey, uh, Melina? Could you maybe not try to leave fingernail marks in the seat?" America asked. I mouthed "Oh" and relaxed my hands, folding them in my lap for lack of a better place to put them.

"Listen, I know you're nervous, but I've met the headmaster and he's a pretty cool guy," America went on to reassure me.

I gave him a grateful smile and kept staring out the window, watching all the buildings go by us. 'I've gotta stop psyching myself out. This could turn out just fine, after all! I shouldn't have to worry so soon, I mean we aren't even at the school ye-'

"And we're here," Canada announced, interrupting my train of thought at the oddest of moments.

I looked at him like he had grown a third arm right then. "Did you just read my mind? I mean seriously! Holy... Okay, just calm down. Calm. Down. Melina."

"Hey, Melina?"

"Hmmm?" I hummed in response.

"Even if the headmaster doesn't believe you we'll still vouch for you," Canada promised. I gave him a quick hug and kissed his cheek in thanks before climbing out of the car and walking up to the main office with America and Canada right behind me.


"Come in~!" the light voice called from the other side of the door after I'd knocked twice.

I gave America a look that said "Are you sure this is the right guy?" and he nodded, motioning for me to open the door. I did and was met with the sight of a room that looked straight out of an artist's rendition of a Roman palace.

Red silk draperies hung down from the ceilings and the floor was carpeted, the designs being intricate and difficult to recreate. A large desk sat in the center of the room, if towards the back a little. Those couches that are always a stereotype with Roman royalty? There were three of them, one behind the desk and the other two on either side of that. The whole room looked very... royal, to say the least. The decorations using ancient Roman weaponry were a very cool touch.

"Welcome!" the man sitting behind the desk said as he stood and came around to greet us. He had a bit of a beard going on and his brown hair had a lot of curls in them, I noticed. 'He reminds me of someone... Just a little bit.'

"Afternoon, headmaster," America said while shaking his hand warmly. "Mind if I introduce someone?" The headmaster nodded excitedly and America put his hand on my shoulder, making me stiffen just a little out of nervousness. "This is Malcolm Middleton, although that's who he's registered here as."

I shot him a look that said "What the %+#] are you doing?", but he ignored it (or was oblivious to it). "I think you should let Melina explain it all herself, sir."

"Bonum post meridiem, bella," he said, taking my hand and kissing it before shaking it. "That means good afternoon in Latin, might I add. I am the Roman Empire, but you-a can call me Roma."

"Italy!" I exclaimed unthinkingly.

"What was that?" he asked curiously.

"Oh, um, well..." I stammered, suddenly self-conscious. "I was thinking to myself that you reminded me of someone, and then when I heard your accent it clicked. You remind me of Italy."

"That's-a no surprise, I'm-a his grandfather, after all!" he laughed, leading us farther into his cushy office.

"You are? I didn't know that," I said. "Wonder why he never told me that his grandfather was the headmaster at this school..."

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