Chapter 39~!

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"Hey, Prussia! Did you find out who that girl was?" I asked, hurrying up to the albino between classes.

"Ja, I asked France about her last night. Turns out she's sort of like his schwester, but she's also related to Spain. Her name is Basque."

"Oh, okay. And that's her country name?"


"I feel like I'm forgetting something, though," I mused to myself. "Oh yeah!" I swiftly punched Prussia in the arm.

"Ow! Vhat vas zhat for?" he demanded, rubbing where I hit him.

"That was for being a creeper yesterday," I explained.

"Ve vere just kidding around!"

"Uh-huh, yeah okay," I said skeptically.


"Aaaand... The next chapter is up!" I said happily as I clicked the "Publish" button and watched the screen appear as the newly released chapter. "I love this laptop, it makes posting so much easier!"

"Okay but shhh! I wanna hear this!" America said loudly while putting a finger to his lips. Canada had gotten him a director's cut of Captain America for Christmas and England had kicked him out of the dorm again so he came to our dormroom to watch it.

"Ugh, fine," I said exasperately, turning my attention back to my screen. "Technically you're being louder than I am."



"It's nice to see that everyone made it to class, minus the exception of a certain Prussian," Mrs. Crayven said testily. Prussia smirked and said nothing in his defense. "You think it's funny to be late for class? Perhaps I'll figure out a suitable reminder for you while class progesses.

"Now, as you all probably know, it is now time to start preparing for the big test for this class. As an incentive to do well the board is organizing a field trip where we go to the Pacific West Coast and take walks through the woods, take notes of your surroundings, and observe the wildlife. While this may seem like a dull extra class, we'll be having a lot of fun, too, so make sure to do your best. Even if you do well you don't have to go, also."

'A field trip to the woods if we do well? Awesome!' I though excitedly, glancing at Matthew, who sat on the other side of the room. He was smiling at the thought, even a little mischievously. 'Ooh, I wonder what he's thinking...'


"Are you excited for the field trip?" I asked Matthew after class.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun last year," he answered happily. "We stayed in a hotel and got to go out on the nature trails and generally messed around. The notes we had to take were easy and once we were done we had free reign to do whatever."

"Ooh, that does sound fun!" I replied. "Hey, we should study together so we do well and ace the test!"

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Funny, I was gonna ask you if you wantd to study together,"

"Haha, then it's a date. And maybe we could get to math a little, too? I suck at it, big time."

"Sure," he said with a smile. "I think I could help you there."



Okay, here we go. Walking down the halls, nothing unusual about that, right? Well I guess unusual is a normal thing with me, because the next thing I know I've got the breath knocked out of me, I'm on the floor on my back, and my boobs are getting groped by whoever it is who ran into me.

"Ah, what the hell," the girl muttered, just then realizing where her hands were. "Hey, that's weird."

"That's weird? Could you please get off of me?" I asked testily, the feeling of dread growing in the pit of my stomach.

"Sure, fine." She rolled off of me and sat up, brushing brown hair out of her light green eyes. "Sorry about that. I'm Kadi, but I'll bet Prussia told you my name was Basque." She stood and offered me a hand up, which I took to get to my feet.

"Hi, I'm Malcolm," I said back. "So you're the girl who chased after France and Spain yesterday. Why?"

"Oh, they're like my older brothers. I have territory in both of them but I'm starting to dwindle a little now... Anyway, my name's Euskadi but I like being called Kadi."

"Oh, nice to meet you, Kadi. Um, about that whole groping me thing, I, uh-"

"Say no more, I know what you're gonna say. You want me to keep it on the low, I kinda figured that. It's good, no worries. What's your real name, though?" she asked quietly.

"Melina," I whispered back.

"Oh, nice to meet you. I gotta go now, so see ya!" Kadi took off and I continued on to the dorms.


"And now it's time for: Questions For a Canadian!" I said like a TV show host, holding my invisible microphone up to my mouth. My notepad was in my hand and Ko was perched on my shoulder like a white... er, bear-like parrot. I was ready for this.

Matthew looked up from his book with a bewildered expression. "Um, excuse me?"

"That's right, folks, and guess what! We've got a real, live Canadian in our midst. Let's give a warm round of applause for Matthew Williams the Third!" Ko, Kumajirou, and I all clapped softly.

"The Third? I think not," Matthew replied with an amused smirk on his lips. "What exactly are you doing?"

"Ah ah ah!" I said quickly, wagging my finger in the universal "no no" sign. "I'm the one asking the questions here."

He sighed and shook his head. "I'll bet Alfred gave you candy again."

"Maaaybe..." I said with an expression of mock guilt. "Okay, first question! Is it true that you invented the cardiac pacemaker? The caulking gun? The garbage bag? The zipper? Plexiglass? Trivial Pursuit? Basketball? The gas mask? The walkie-talkie? The electric wheelchair? The prosthetic hand? Key frame animation? Rapeseed? Canada Dry Ginger Ale and instant mashed potatoes?"

Matthew blinked, obviously not expecting all that to be said in one breath. "Um, yes? Did you go onto Google and look all those up?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I felt like it. See, you're not invisible! If you made garbage bags and the cardiac pacemaker then obviously you're getting recognition from somewhere."

He blinked multiple times and then smiled, blushing as well. "Thanks, Melina. Umm... What brought on all this?"

"I dunno, I just wanted to do it because I felt like it. And it was fun to act goofy for once."

Mattie scoffed. "For once, yeah, because you're such a serious person all the time."

"Is that a challenge? To be serious?"

He shook his head. "No, I think you're way more fun when you're funny and act a little crazy, eh?"

I blushed just a little, smiling wide. "Well okay then! Ko, are you hungry? I think we shoud go get us some rapeseed, eh?"

Canada blushed dark red and gaped. "What did you just say?"

I giggled. "It's your invention, Mattie. And I said "eh?", so there." And I skipped away with my little polar bear, leaving behind a Canadian who was wishing he hadn't named canola something like rapeseed.


>XD I like that last part a lot, can't you tell? Haha, anypancakes, COMMENT VOTE ADD FAN~!!

And if anyone has a suggestion they would like to share, please let me know in a PM and I will gladly get back to you! If I decide to use it then I'll make sure to give you credit. And no, I'm actually not that low on ideas, I just want to see what other peoples think and what ideas they have.


Haha no you guys have been wonderful, seriously! X3

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