A Random Call

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(Niall's POV)

"Hey!" I yell as I walk into the bedroom to see Ronni and Zayn hugging. "Whats going on here?!"

"Ronni and Zayn jump up from the bed and turn around to see me, probably red faced. Ronni walks around the bed and stands in front of me.

"Nothings going on, calm down Niall." She says, grabbing my hand. I swipe her hand away. I dont want any of her affection until I know exactly what I just saw. Who knows what Zayn was going to do. I mean, he already tried to take her from me. Who said he wont do it again?

"Then why were you guys just sitting there hugging?" I snap. Now that I said it out loud, I know it sounds like Im over reacting. Maybe I am but I just walked in to see my girlfriend wrapped in another guys arms. How would you feel if you didnt know what happened while you were gone and thats what you come back to see?

"We're friends, Niall! Thats what friends do!" Ronni shoots back, looking hurt. I automatically feel bad for swiping her hand away. Maybe thats all that happened. I believe and trust Ronni but I dont know about Zayn. He's still my best friend and I love him to death like a brother and nothing will change that, but what he tried a few months ago just made me paranoid from then on. I look at Zayn to see him quickly look away and shuffle his feet. Okay? I look back at Ronni and see her eyes watering. I probably look like Im about to blow up and its probably scaring her. This is our first argument after all.

"I know." I mumble as I pull Ronni into my chest. "Im sorry.."

"Its okay, Im all yours okay?" She whispers so that Zayn cant hear.

"Okay, Love you." I whisper back.

(Zayn's POV)

Wow, Niall is really protective when Ron is with me, isn't he? I dont blame him. I would be the same way if he tried to take my girl. Like I said many times, I'm very disappointed in myself for doing what I did a few months ago and I will never do it again. But If Ron leaves Niall and comes to me, I'll welcome her with open arms. And I wouldn't feel guilty because it would be her own choice.

"Well, Im going to see Liam and Louis." I announce, itching to leave this awkward atmosphere. Niall just nods and gives me a small apologetic smile. I returning it and walk to the door. Before I leave, I turn around and lock eyes with Ron. She mouths the words "Thanks again" from under Niall's arm. I nod, smile, and wink at her before leaving the room and walking down the hallway to Liam and Louis room. Wink? God, Zayn why did you wink!? Dont do that again! Bad Zayn...

"Hey, Lou." I exclaim as I sit next to Louis on the couch. "Where's Liam?"

"Hey, he went to help Harry."

"Help Harry with what?"

"He got his big toe stuck in the drain..." Louis says simply as if he was telling me the weather. Yep, thats my life. Stupid things happen so often that you dont really get surprised.

"So...Niall just went off." I tell him. Like always, I come to Louis with my problems. He's a great advice giver.

"What happened?" He looks up from his phone, suddenly turning serious.

"Well, Ron and I were just hugging and Niall walked in on us.."

"Wait, why were you hugging?" Louis asks. Well I cant tell him that. We were talking about Kyle and Ronni doesnt want  me to tell anyone.

"Umm...just hugging, I dont know."

"Well, was It like a quick friendly hug or a long romantic hug?"

"It was long and it sure was romantic for me but most likely not for her."

"So....you two just kinda sat there in eachothers arms and Niall saw?"

"Yeah, pretty much..."

"Well it probably looked bad. Is everything okay with you three?"

"Yeah...It just made Niall mad at Ron and I for a few minutes. Almost made Ron cry..." The last part makes me cringe. I swear if one tear rolled down her cheek just because Niall overreacted over a hug I would of had to step in.

"Well, if every things okay, every things okay! So cheer up!"

"I cant Louis!" I snap "Dont you know how hard this is for me?"

"Whats hard for you, Zayn?" says a female voice behind me. I turn around and my heart drops to my stomach. Ronni walks in the room and sits between Louis and I. I look at Louis and see panic in his eyes. He's probably seeing the same thing in my eyes times ten.

"Nothing." Louis and I say at the same time. Ron looks between Louis and I with raised eyebrows.

"But I heard my name when I was walking down the hallway coming here." She states, confused.

"Thats...weird..." I say, with a little nervous laugh. Louis catches my eyes and raises an eyebrow. I give him a 'Dont-Say-a-Word' look and he nods.

"Well...Okay then." Ron sighs, letting the topic slide.

(Liam's POV)

"OWWW! LIAM, STOP!" Harry yells as I pull harder on his ankle. His toe has been stuck in the sink's drain for 15 minutes now. How he got his toe stuck in the sink? I dont know and I dont want to know, so Im not going to ask.

"Harry, we need to get it out!" I yell back. This probably sounds really awkward for the people staying next to us. "Katie! Get some butter!"

"We dont have butter!" She yells from the kitchen.

"Then find some soap!" I suggest. A few seconds later, Katie runs over with dish soap in her hand and hands it to me. Right as Im about to aply the soap to Harry's foot, my phone rings.

"Here, Katie. Put this on his toe and then try pulling it out. I gotta take this." I say as I hand Katie back the soap and walk into the next room.

"Hello?" I say, not knowing who I'm talking to since I didnt check the caller ID.

"Liam?" says a girls voice.

"This is him. Who's calling?"




"Its Abby."

(A/N) CLIFF HANGER! This chapter what juicy! lol

You guys are on a roll. Thanks for the votes and commets! Your reward is this chapter!

I love you my little lemon drops


Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora