When Your Worst Fear Comes True.

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(Ronni's POV)

"What?" I ask in dis-belief. She wouldn't do that. She wouldn't go that low just to have a boy friend. She knows what he did to me, how he treats girls, how he will treat her. But still, it doesn't stop her.

"That's right!" He sneers in my face.

"But, I thought you had a girlfriend!? You called me just to tell me, remember?" I ask. He go's through girls like they are tissues, I swear I've never met such a man whore. He laughs and slowly walks towards me, pushing me back down the alleyway.

"I remember." He laughs "She was good in bed. Abby is, too. But I'm sure you would be much better." I look into his dark eyes to see evil, lust, and amusement. Slowly, he walks toward me, scanning my body up and down. I bump into him in the street, he tells me he is dating my ex-best friend, and Im scared. He's a scary guy, pushing me back down a dark alleyway. All I wanted was to walk to the coffee shop, but I just had to bump into the one person I never wanted to see again. Kurt. I haven't even thought about him once since he called me those few months ago. Niall always distracted me from thinking about anything bad that happened in my past. I never thought I would run into him so suddenly and have all the bad memories flood back.

"Kurt" I start "Just leave me alone..." I say, my voice shaking as I turn around and try to run. However, he grabs onto my wrist and flings me against the brick wall. "Oww, stop!" I yell as he pins me to the wall by holding tight to my waist. I kick and punch, but he wont let me go, so I do the only thing else to do. Scream my head off. I kick and scream and hope for someone, anyone, to come and help because I really don't want to have my first time against my will, in an alleyway, with the person I hate more than anyone on this earth. I want my first time to be with the person I love, when I want, and when I'm ready. Preferably with Niall.

"Hey! Leave her! Let her go right now!" A deep, familiar voice yells from close by. Kurt's grip loosens and I slide down the wall to the ground. All energy gone from kicking and screaming to defend myself. I start hyperventilating as I listen to the sounds of punches and grunts. The last thing I think about is how my worst fear of being raped almost happened to me, then, everything go's black.


"How are you feeling?" I hear the deep voice ask as I open my eyes to the ceiling of my living room. I turn my head and look into my dad's eyes. He has a cut under his left eye and a swollen lip. He was the one who saved me. He must have heard me screaming while he was doing his daily walk home from work.

"Dad.." I whimper, flinging my arms around his shoulders as I brake down into his work suit. I cant believe, it almost happened. I've had that same fear since I was a little girl. Every single nightmare I've ever had was about being...well, taken advantage of. To think it was going to happen if my dad wasn't there is horrifying. You may think I was over reacting because I fainted. But no, you would do the same thing. Imagine your worst fear happening to you when you least expect it. Seriously, think about how you would feel, right now.

"Its okay, your okay now. Kurt was arrested. I called the police." He tells me as I stop crying. I lean back into the couch and pull a blanket over me, making me feel more secure. "Now, tell me what happened..." He says as he sits on the coffee table in front of the couch. I take a deep breath and tell him what happened. How I ran into him in the street, how he told me he was dating Abby, how he kept pushing me down the alleyway, and even tell him about the call he gave me a few months ago. He listened quietly without asking questions. That's one thing I loved about my dad. He's a good listener and sometimes he's more understanding than my mom. When I finish, he says "Okay, well he wont ever come near you again. He's going to jail for about a year, I think. And a restraining order will be in place."

"Thanks dad." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Anytime. Now, is there anything else that's bothering you?" He asks. I hesitate as the Kyle guy comes into my head. I don't know whether I should tell dad or not. I mean, I don't want to cause drama and make a big deal. Someone already know's about it. Zayn. He's helping me out and I don't want to tell anyone else until I'm positive that its something to make a big deal out of. I look at my dad and shake my head. Then, Niall and the other's come to mind.

"Actually...there is something bothering me." I tell him. He nods his head as if he already knows what I'm talking about, which he probably does.

"I know. You miss Katie and those boys right?" He asks. I wouldnt call them 'those boys'. I would call them something with more meaning. Especially since they are the best friends that a person could ever ask for.

"And Niall." I tell him, looking at my hands.

"He's the blond one right? I googled them." He says, making me giggle. I google them sometimes, too. And when I do, pictures of Niall and I come up. The press know something is going on but Niall and I haven't said anything else about 'us' since the twitcam.

"I know you miss your friends and boyfriend, but I cant let you travel around the world with your summer fling. I haven't even met them." He says. My eyes widen at what he just said. Did you really just call Niall a summer fling!? He doesn't know what me and Niall have! He can't say that!

"Dad! Niall is not a summer fling!" I yell, sitting up "Do you even know how I feel about him?! About all of them?"

"All I know is that you and Katie are closer now, ya? You never talk about the others."

"That's because Its hard to talk about them. I miss them so much, dad. It's making me depressed."

"I know, I've noticed. So, how do you feel about these guys?" He asks. Its as if his question sets off a fuse inside of my brain, releasing a stream of words about the people I love and miss. Words that I've been wanting to tell Mom, Dad, everyone to make them understand whats really going on in my head and why I'm so depressed. The words come out perfectly as if they have been using the months that I've been without my friends to form on the tip of my tongue, waiting for me to finally say them.

"Dad, first of all, Niall is not a summer fling! I'm in love with him and he is in love with me. You may think that we're to young to know what love is, but we know and being away from him is the hardest thing that has ever happened to me. As for Katie, I've realized that she has been my truest friend all along, far better than Abby ever was. I can tell her anything and she's like my sister. The other boys, Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis are the coolest boys you'll ever know. Harry is sweet and lovable and is dating Katie, by the way. He treats her like a queen and no one could ever hate him. Louis is wild, crazy, and is the ONLY person who can make me laugh on a bad day. We're really close. Liam, He is my best guy friend I've ever had. He's a great listener, he's understanding, and I always call him my big brother. Zayn is a great, great guy. He's really quiet but he's super caring and I always go to him when I need help with something." I take a deep breath and look at my dad then see his raised eyebrows because of my long, fast talking speech, but I'm not done yet. "Don't you understand now? Don't you see why I've been so depressed since I've come home? They are my family and I don't even get to see them!"

My dad blinks at me and nods his head. "I understand. But, Ronni, I've never met these boys and-"

"I have! And trust me, if they were bad people who wanted to kidnap Katie and I they would have done it when we where all alone in their flat! So you have nothing to worry about if I go!"


"Dad." I say, a little calmer this time. "Trust me. I'll be fine, better, if I go. You don't know what I'm going through right now without them."

Merry Christmas :)


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