Bumps In The Road

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(Ronni's POV)

Im so confused. Why in the world does a small part of me feel this way? I dont even know what Im feeling! All I know is that I shouldn't feel this way. But I guess it doesnt really matter right? Because love can overthrow all the other emotions. And love is what I feel for Niall. No one else. So I have nothing to worry about because I know I love no one but him and thats the way it will always be. No matter what else I might be feeling.

But here I am...sitting in me and Niall's hotel room, thinking about that damn hug. It got everything in my mind mixed up and now Im doubting myself. What if the feelings get stronger? What if they overpower my relationship? What if, what if, what if!

I sigh and shake my head, throwing those doubtful thoughts to the back of my mind. Of course nothing will overpower what I have with Niall! Why would I even think that! We have been doing great. We haven't had one fight or argument since we've met. And if we have it was probably too small and unimportant to even remember. He makes me happy and treats me like a princess. We are a great couple. So why am I doubting everything? Part of it is Zayn, the other part is a whole other story. You see, nothing is perfect. Things can be picture perfect at first, but there are always bumps in the road. Some bumps are bigger than others, but there is never a perfectly paved path. So where in the world are the bumps in our road? Why hasn't something happened? Its gotten me so paranoid, you see. I feel like we are slowly driving closer and closer to a huge pot hole in our road that will cause us to swerve left and right until we crash and burn. Its harsh, but its what I think. Either that, or Niall and I have the perfect relationship. But like I said, thats hardly ever the case.


The sound of a familiar Irish accent snaps me back to reality, and I suddenly realize that I was suppose to meet everyone down stairs for breakfast.

"Yeah?" I ask, turning my head to see Niall peeking into the room behind the half open door.

"You ready? We're waiting for you." He says. I nod my head and give him a smile. He returns it before closing the door again, leaving me alone once more. I sigh, stand up, throw my arms in the air, and then arch my back to stretch my tense muscles. I guess all the stress from the mental battle raging in my head is finally getting to me. I turn on my heal and make my way to the door, catching my reflection in the mirror. My dark brown hair falls around my face in a messy manner, making a aggravated groan escape my lips. I had just done my hair only 10 minutes ago and I just had to mess it up by running my fingers through it. Thinking that theres no way Im going to go down stairs looking like this, I re-tie my hair into a better looking high bun.


"Nice of you to finally join us." Liam says when I walk into the hotels buffet. Liam walks over and gives me a quick side hug, a piece of toast in his right hand. "Morning."

"Morning." I smile, taking a piece of bacon from Louis' plate. Before it retches my mouth, he stands and swipes the food from my hand in one fast movement.

"Mine! Get your own!" He teases, waving the bacon in front of my face before shoving it in his mouth. I roll my eyes and take a seat between Katie and Niall, with Liam and Zayn across from us. 

"Here" Zayn says, tossing two bacons onto my plate. I look up and mutter a quite thanks. He smiles and winks before looking back at his plate. I feel Niall tense besides me, like he always does if Zayn so much as touches me. All the other boys wink at me. Katie too. Yet Niall gets clearly mad when Zayn does it. Its quite annoying actually.  

"Whats the plan for today?" Katie asks as she steers her tea. Liam looks at his watch and shrugs.

"I donno." He says, forking his eggs. "But I do know that at 6 we have to hit the road."

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now