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(Ronni's POV)

My eyes slowly flutter to the cool wind lightly blowing across my cheek as the birds right outside the open window cherp happily, singing a song for everyone to wake up to. My nose is filled with the sweet sent of rain and the rays of the golden sun warm my face as they peek through to curtains to say goodmorning. I lay there, not fully awake, but still noticing all of the little things that tell you its time to wake up. Its amazing how you can know when moring is here without openining your eyes. Nature has its own ways to make you realize the sun is up and the day has started. Well, nature in Ireland. Where I live, its not the nature that wakes you up. Its the car horns and loud squeeking of bus breaks. There's a highway right behind my house.

I smile at the great awakening as I strech. So far, everything in Ireland has been beautifull. I cant begin to tell you how pretty it is. Sitting up, I notice a warm body next to me still fast asleep. I turn my head and my eyes fall on Niall's sleeping figure. His chest slowly rises before falling at the same rate as he calmly exhales. I smile and sink back down so that Im facing him, leaning on my elbow. He smiles in his sleep as I brush his blond locks from his eyes and place my hand on his soft cheek, running my thumb across his smile line repeatedly. I dont realize what Im doing until he turns head slightly, obviously waking up by my actions. I hesitate before reluctantly pulling my hand away and quietly sitting up from my currant position. I swing my legs over the bed and my feet make contact with the cool carpet. When I stand up, Im suddenly pulled back by my wrist. I fall backward onto Niall and then get engulfed by his strong embrace, pulling me closer to his side once again.

"Niall!" I complain as he rolls over onto my small body, sinking me into the mattress. "Your crushing me..."

"Im not that fat" he laughs in his raspy morning voice. I roll my eyes as he turns over on his back, allowing me to breath again.

"I thought you were asleep." I giggle, again moving his hair away from his eyes which always falls when its not jelled.

"You woke me up." He states simply, kissing my nose.

"Oh, sorry."

"Its okay, babe. I want to wake up to that every morn-"

"Niall!" Maura yells up the stairs. Niall rolls his head back at his mom, but still has that joking smile of his playing on his lips.

"Yes, mum?" He responds, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Are you awake?" She asks, still yelling.

"Nooooo, Im sound asleep." He answers sarcastically. I laugh at the question. Not because I think she's dim for asking the obvious, its just funny.

"Okay, come down here when your awake then." She says before the sounds of retreating footsteps are heard.

"Is she serious?" He asks, shaking his head as giggles escape his lips.

"Your moms funny." I say, giggling along with him.

"She's mental. But she's a good woman." He says, taking my hand and pressing it to his lips before jumping off the bed.

"All mothers are." I joke. He nods his head in agreement before closing the bathroom door behind him.

I open my suitcase to look for something to wear. I dont know what we are going to do in the day ahead, but I might as well be ready for whatever Niall has planned. I click my tongue against my cheek as my eyes scan the cloths folded neatly in the bag. My gaze is caught on a light weight dress wish horizontal blue strips. Perfect for the cool weather. As I unfold the dress, Niall walks out of the bathroom and smiles.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now