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(Harry's POV)

She looks beautiful. Gorgeous. Perfect. Phenomenal. Just...wow...Her dirty blond hair is in perfectly shaped ringlets and tied up with a black ribbon. Her flawless features are enhanced with the perfect amount of make up. She wears a light pink, simple, silk dress that hugs her curves in just the right places. All I can say is 'Holy God...'. (Katie's dress on side bar>>>)

"Uhh, uhh..." is all I can say as she slowly walks toward me and the limo I rented for us. Her eyes stay on mine as she walks. When she reaches me, I lose my voice completely.

"Hey, Haz." She greets me by kissing my cheek, leaving little tingle where her lips touched my face. I grin and open the limo's door. She smiles and slides in, then I close the door and get in on the other side.

"Kat?" I say.


"You look beautiful, love...and hot...." I tell her. She blushes and looks at her feet.

"You don't look to bad either, Styles." She says with a wink. I giggle and look down at my monkey suit. A black tux with a bow-tie.

"Thanks. It took forever to get this on right. I had to get help from Liam..." I tell her. She throws her head back and barks with laughter.

"I love how little Harry had to get help from his daddy!" she says with a baby voice.

"Liam isn't my 'daddy'!" I shoot back, taking her banter.

"He's like your daddy...and your like his little boy." She says. I bite my lip to keep a straight face and hold my laugh in. She wants banter? She can have it.

"Oh, don't be such a B word." I say as a roll my eyes, letting a small smile play on my lips. She gasps and acts like she's hurt.

"Harry! How could you call me a Bitch?"

"Relax, love. A Bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark comes from trees, trees come from Mother Nature, and Mother Nature is beautiful. Its a complement." I tell her with a cheeky grin. She blinks at me and then slowly shacks her head.

"That's was the most stupid 'complement' I've ever heard." She simply states.

"Didn't you get it?" I ask


"Oh...." We look at each other and burst into laughter at how dumb we're being, then I look out the window and see that we have arrived. The driver opens up the door for Kat and I slide out After her. When I look up, I see a red carpet leading up to the door of the building in which the party is being held. On either side of the walkway, there are Paps and fans ,behind red leather ropes, screaming and flashing cameras. I take Kat's hand and lead her down the carpet. Its not like The Red Carpet, but its a carpet...and its red....Once we get to the doors, we are stopped by a huge guard.

"Stop." He holds his hand and looks down at Kat and I. "Names?"

"Uh, Harry Styles..." I watch as he flips through the names on the long list and runs a finger down his clip board. When he finds my name, he looks back up at us with a much nicer smile than before.

"Harry Styles from One Direction? My daughter is a fan! Have a good night Mr. Styles." He says. I smile and walk past him when he steps aside, dragging Kat along by the hand.

"Whoa! Josh Hutcherson is over there! Oh my God, Harry, look Johnny Depp is over there with Emma Watson!" I look at Kat to see her jumping around and pointing at the many celebrates that are walking around and enjoying themselves. I giggle and lead her away to an empty table in the corner of the room. I let go of her hand a pull a chair out for her. Once she is seated, I push her in.

"Harry, this is all ready the best day of my life." She tells me as I grab her hand from across the table.

"Same here, because your mine for the rest of the night." I tell her with a wink. She blushes and giggles.

"Lucky you." She says, making me giggle as well.

"I'm going to get some drinks. Be right back." She nods her head and I get up and make my way to the food table. Once I get there, I pour two glasses of wine and then walk back toward the table where I find Kat waiting patiently.

"Here you go, love." I sit back down and hand her a glass. She brings the glass to her lips and then hesitates.

"Lets make a toast." She says as she raises her glass and says "What do you want to make a toast to?"

I think as I stare into her big brown eyes, then I say, slowly and quietly "Here's to....possibilities..."

(Katie's POV)

"Here's to....possibilities..."

I pause and look into his deep green eyes, full of emotions that I cant quite place. Care? Truth? Whatever it is...its something. It just came to my attention that he is toasting to the possibilities that we have. Like getting together in the future. We both take a small sip of our wine without taking our eyes off of each other. Then Harry stands up and pulls me to the dance floor right as a slow song starts playing. I look around and see that we are the only couple dancing at the moment and everyone is staring at us, which makes me blush and look away quickly. When I meat Harry's eyes, he smiles, takes my waist and hand, then starts swaying to the music. I smile and turn my head so that we are dancing cheek to cheek. I feel him grin and he whispers "I've always loved this song." I listen closer to the song and realize that its one of my favorites. It's L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole.

"Me too, its one of my favorites." I whisper back. Harry grins wider and spins me around as the music picks up tempo. Then he starts singing along to the song in my ear, giving me chills as his breath tickles my neck.

"'L' is for the way you Look at me.

'O' is for the Only One I see.

'V' is very, very, extra ordinary.

'E' is even more than anyone that you adore can.

'Love' is all that I can give to you.

'Love' is more than just a game for two.

'Two' in love can make it. Take my heart and please don't break it.

'Love' was made for me and you."

In the middle of the song, I find myself singing along and I notice that my eyes were closed. When I open them, I see Harry smiling at me, his face so close that our noses are touching. Then, all of a sudden, Harry's lips crash onto mine.I freeze for a moment before I realize that we are kissing, then I move my lips in sync with his. The only thing I am aware of is Harry. His lips, his sent, his hand on my waste, and the tingles that are spreading throughout my whole body. I forget about everything else. The only people on Earth at the moment are Harry and I.


I close the door behind me and make my way to my room. Once I get there, I change into my PJ's and take my make-up off. I put my hair up in a messy bun while I'm at it. Then, I when back to my kitchen for a glass of water, I see a vase full of beautifull white and light pink tulips on the table. I run over to the flower and girn because I all ready know who they are from. Harry. When I find the corner of a white card sticking out from under a pettle, I open it and find out that I guessed right. I read the card and laugh at how cheeky he is. It says:

'I've got 'two-lips' waiting for you, babe. They're all yours. -Harry xx'

(A/N)....I love this chapter.. and I was listening to L.O.V.E while writing it! If you have never heard the song, i put it in the side bar >>>>> Btw. Today I planed the rest of the story so do you know what that means????? NO MORE WRITERS BLOCK, SON!!! haha..

Please leave comments and please votteeeee! Do it for Hat! (Harry+Kat)

-Anna xxx

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt