Making Memories. (Part One)

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Abby's POV)

Dinner with Liam was just amazing. I am going crazy for him! I've been looking for a guy like him for longer than I can remember. He is funny, but mature. Wild, but calm. Quiet, but loud. He's also nice, caring, and smart! Ugh! I like him so much but I don't know if he likes me equally. I hope he does because if that's the case, I totally want to date him. But I don't know if he's ready! Dan just broke up with him so he still might want to take a break from dating. If that's what he's going to do, I will be crushed, but I will understand.

When I open the door to me and Ronni's flat, I take my shoes of and carry them to Ronni's room. Then I go into my bedroom and change out of my dress. I'm so tired so I decide to got to bed, but I'm craving a glass of water so I walk into the kitchen. I pour a glass of water and chug it without breathing. When the glass empties, I put it in the sink and make my way back to my room. On my way there, I see Ronni and Niall asleep on the couch. Niall is leaning on the arm rest and Ronni has her head on his chest, her lips pressed to his neck. Niall has one hand around her waste and the other holding her hand. Aww, they look so cute! I get out my phone and take a picture so I can show them in the morning. Then I continue my walk to my room. When I get to my bed, I plop down on my back and stare at the ceiling. I start thinking of Liam and the amazing night I had.

It started off with the dinner. Liam ordered what I wanted and also payed! While we where eating, we talked about everything from each other, to spoons. Liam ordered soup, but he didn't want to use the spoon so he sipped it out of the bowl. When the waiter saw this, he made us leave. We spent the rest of the night laughing about it! We didn't want to end the date so early so Liam drove to the outside of London. Then he stopped the car on the side of a small town. The road was empty and lit up by one street lamp. I didn't know what we were doing until he turned the radio on. Then he grabbed my hand and lead me out to the middle of the street and we started dancing to the slow music. It was so cliche, but it was the best night of my life. It was so romantic. And I will never forget it.

(Liam's POV)

Wow. Abby is absolutely amazing. I cant believe I had the chance to take her on a date. I'm defiantly going to take her out again and maybe, one day, I'll be brave enough to ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm really glad I got to have a romantic moment with her. She is my dream girl. I thought Dan was the one but I guess not. She clearly didn't thing so....Maybe it was fate. Maybe Dan broke up with me so that fate could bring me and Abby together! I'm mad for her, I don't know what it is about her. She just has that one thing. No, she has everything! I had the best night and made lots of memories with this wonderful girl.

(Katie's POV)

So here I am....falling for Harry Freaking Styles. I don't know why I like this cheeky bastered, but I can feel the beginnings of a crush in my stomach. We've spent the last few hours just laying on Harry's bed (not what you think) and talking. He turns out to be very flirty and cheeky. He's also turns out to be a bit of a perv, but its in a good way. He has a dirty mind, not dirty actions so he's good at finding the right moment to say 'that's what she said'. He's just good at making me laugh!

"So what do you do on your free time?" I ask him. We have been playing 20 questions because Harry had the idea of getting to know each other a little more.

"Do you really want to know?" He asks me with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes at him and he holds in a laugh.

"Um..never mind, I actually don't, now." I tell him. I already know what he is thinking and I don't want him to say it aloud. Dirty child...

"Good choice! What do you do one your free time?" He asks me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not what you think I do, Styles!" I shoot back at him. He giggles and then looks at the clock. Its 1 in the morning.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now