Getting Away

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(Niall's POV)

I'm sitting on the couch where Ronni left me, waiting for her to come back from her talk with Abby. She's been gone for about 5 or 10 minutes and I already miss her so much. Wow...the things that love do to you...

I hear my phone buzz from the table in front of me so I pic it up and see Ronni's caller ID is flashing on the screen. I quickly press the answer button and hear her beautiful voice.

"Hello? Niall?" She says.

"Hey, Princess. How'd it go?"

"I'm getting away from her. It went pretty bad."

"Getting away? How?"

"I'm moving out of our flat."

"What? Where are you gonna go?"

"I was hoping to move in with you and the lads? If its okay with-"

"Its okay! I'll come up to your room and help you get your things! No worries."

"Thank you, Nialler. Love you"

"To the bottom of the ocean and back?" I suggest. She laughs.

"That's about it, yeah."

"I love you that much, too!"

"Just get your Irish butt over here, Horan!"

I laugh as she hangs up the phone. She is really the best human being I have ever had the honor of meeting and I an so fortunate to be dating her. I love her more than anything. I love her more Whoa, I have to tell her that.

Once I reach her door, I don't bother knocking, I just walk in. Thankfully, I don't run into Abby on the way to Ronni's room. When I walk into her room, I see her laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"Hey Ronni!" I say loudly, making her scream. She sits up and pats the bed next to her while clutching her chest, recovering from her startle. I walk over, sit next to her, and put my arm around her waste.

"Guess what, Ronni." I say as I look down at her.

"What?" She asks as she looks back up at me.

"I realized today that I love you more than I love football." I tell her. She giggles and kisses my cheek.

"That really means a lot, Nialler. Now help me pack my stuff. I want to get out of here."

I laugh and pull her up to her feet. We start walking around her room and collecting all her cloths and shoes from the floor and the closet. Then, I spot a big bear with a green shirt sitting on the chair in the corner. I cant believe she still has that thing.

"Mr. Nandi!" I say as I run over to the bear. Ronni turns away from her suit case to smile at me.

"I love that bear." She giggle. I nod and sit on the bear's lap.

"It's our first child!" I say with a wink. She rolls her eyes and then sits on my lap.

"You know, this would make a good picture. Me on Mr. Nandi's lap and you on my lap." I say. She looks at me and shakes her head with a look of pity on her face.

"You're so weird, Nialler. But okay, we'll take a picture." She says as she gets her iPhone out. She stretches her arm out in front of us and tells me to smile. One second later, she shows me a really cute and funny picture of her, Nandi, and I.

"Yaaayyyy!" I shout as she stands up. "Send that to me, love. It's the stupid moments like this that we will look back on and smile about."

"Defiantly." She giggles.

(Ronni's POV)

"So your gonna live with us for the next month?" Harry asks for the fith time.

"Yes, Hazza!" Liam answers for me, rolling his eyes.

"And...we are going to avoid Abby from now on?" Harry asks.

"Yup." I tell him. "Well, you don't have to. I am though."

"I want to. She's just a-"

"Shower of cunts?" Niall suggest.

"Niall dont say that." Liam says

"Im Irish." He defends

"Guys, Harry was obviously going to call Abby the b word." Louis tells us with a little sass. We all turn our heads to stare at him with a smirk

"Yeah of course, Lou..." Zayn mumbles.

"Actually...I was going to call her a meanie..." Harry says out of the blue. Everyone automatically burst into laughter. No one stops laughing for the next 10 minutes. The only thing that can make me stop laughing, is the text I get at that very moment.

'I got you're hotel's number, Ronni. I cant wait to call you and hear your voice. -Kyle xx'

(Zayn's POV)

This is going to be hard to deal with. Yes, I'm thrilled that Ronni will be around more, but I will have to watch her and Niall be all cozy all the time. It's already hard just knowing that she is with him and not me. But having to see it everyday, that's going to be torture. I love Ronni. There...I said it. I'm in love with her and I wont be able to have her. She's Niall's Princess and he deserves her. I don't because I tried to take her. I was selfish, but I wont try to do that again. But, if Niall ever hurts her, I will do anything to take care of her myself. The thing is, I know that Niall wont ever hurt her.

(A/N) Heyyyy Directioners! I hope you like this chapter (I say that every A/N. haha). I can NOT wait until X-Mas. Im going to get the iPhone 4S with a ONe Direction case (From KATIE i hope) and a North Face jacket WOOOO WOOOO WOOOO (you read that in Harry's voice..dont lie.)

Leave comments and voteee! Do it for Nonni!

Stay Strong, Keep Faith.

-Anna xx

P.S. KATIEEEEEE LOOK AT THE SIDE BAR! GET ME THAT FOR X MASSS. Its on amazon. One your next chapter, post a pic of what you want me to get you! Love you xxx

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now