Talked Out of It.

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(Ronni's POV)

"I think that's a great idea!" I exclaim, agreeing with the man in front of us which earns myself nods from the others. The man gives me a rather careless and cold look before turning his attention back to the boys, giving me the impressing that my opinion doesn't matter to him, which is probably true. Their management never cared much for me or Kat and they don't make much of an effort to even interact with us. Their life revolves around business and they could care less about making friends with the people they work with. This is why I don't even know the names of the two men standing before us.

"So what do you boys think?" The taller man asks, ignoring me completely. I roll my eyes before glancing at Kat, who has an annoyed expression on her face, probably mirroring mine.

"I agree with Ronni," Louis says with a nod. "We haven't seen our families in a while so I'm down with it."

"Why are you letting us go home for a month anyway?" Liam asks with confusion. The shorter man exhales deeply with annoyance before speaking, his answer seeming reenacted and forced.

"We have noticed great tension between everyone the past few days" He tells us, looking knowingly between Niall, Zayn, and I while the other's fall silent, awkwardly shuffle in their seats. "And its affecting your performance on stage."

"Yes, whatever happened between you three" The other man says, pointing to Niall, Zayn, and I, "is affecting everyone else here. So go home, and when you come back...things better be back to normal or we are going to ship both girls back to America."

"Hey!" Harry yells, standing up defensively. "You cant do that to Kat, she has nothing to do with whats happening and-"

"But she can be a distraction to your job!" The man exclaims, raising his voice loud enough to drown Harry's. "She can be a problem just like Ronni is."

"Alright, mate. Stop right there." Zayn snaps, leaning forward in his chair. "She's not a problem at all. No one here is a problem." I stare up at Zayn's angry face, surprised that Niall wasn't the one to defend me like he usually is. You would think that Niall out of all people would be the first to do that, but no. With a quick glance, I see he's just sitting there silently, watching the man angrily with clinched fists.

"If she wasn't a problem, everything would be fine and we wouldn't be having this discussion."


"Zayn.." I interrupt, earing everyone's attention. "Its okay, they're right." They are right. I am the problem here. I'm the one who messed up. I'm the one who brought Zayn into this. I'm the one who caused this. I should just go home to America. They're right.

"What?" He asks, shocked. Before continuing, I glance at the others who look just as confused, even Niall gives me a 'what the hell' look, taking me aback considering he hasn't made eye contact with me in days.

"No, Ron... " Zayn says, turning in his seat to face me before lowing his voice a bit. "Don't listen to them, your-"

"Don't listen to us?" The shorter one repeats, with raised eyebrows. "Careful, Zayn. You have no choice."

"And what if I don't?" Zayn spits, tilting his head to the side. The man smiles wickedly as his friend chuckles. They exchange a look before turning their full attention back to Zayn.

"Zayn, you know its not a good idea to test us. Our job is to keep you lot in line. We make sure you don't do anything stupid that will ruin your reputations. Therefor, we control your leash, and if we have to, we can make it mighty short." After he falls silent, so does the rest of the room. I look expectantly at Zayn to see him with a flabbergasted and amused expression before he speaks again.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now