On The Move.

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(A/N) LETS DO 4 COMMENTS AND 4 VOTES THIS TIME! Lets step it up since you've been so good at the voting and commenting lately :)

(Ronni's POV)

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Paul asked, looking down the line at the 7 of us holding our bags.

"Yeah, can we get on the bus now?" Harry asks, impatiently. Katie rolls her eyes and gives Harry a Be-Patient look.

"Louis, do you have everything?" Paul asks for the 5th time.

"Yes, Paul..."

"I dont believe you. Liam, can you take Louis back up to the room and double check?"

"Yeah, c'mon Louis." Liam agrees, dragging a grumbling Louis to the elevators.

"Okay, the rest of you, go get on the bus." Paul orders. And like little kids, we all obey. Together we all walk out of the hotel and into the parking lot. Surprisingly, there arnt any fans. Thats probably because we parked behind the hotel.

"Whoa!" I breath as I see the huge tour bus parked in front of me.

"Just wait until you see the inside, come on." Katie says, with a smile. I nod and follow the others to the bus. Once I step to the top of the few stairs at the bus's door, I look up to the coolest vehicle I've ever seen. The first thing you see is a mini living room, which as one couch on each side of the bus with a little table in between them. Towards the middle of the bus, there is a little kitchen with a bathroom next to it. If you pass the kitchen and bathroom, there is an area with bunks! Only 3 though, which means that 6 of us will get a bed and 1 of us will have to sleep on the couch. Im guessing that will be me.

"Okay lads, call your bunks!" Louis yells. I turn around to see all the boys and Katie rush past me and jump over each other to get to the bunks. By the time I get there, everyone is sitting on a bunk and laughing. Katie and Harry have one bunk, then Niall and Zayn, and then there is Liam and Louis things taking up the last bunk.

"I guess I'll sleep on the couch then.." I mumble, turning back around with my bags.

"Ron, you can have my bunk." Zayn says, standing up and pulling me back toward the bed.

"No its okay, I'll sleep in the-"

"No, your sleeping here, Love." he tells me.

"Okay." I sigh, giving in. "Thanks Zayn!"

"Yeah, thanks Zayn." Niall spits. I look up at Niall who's sitting on the top bunk with his feet over the edge. He looks fine but I can tell he's not happy. I'll have to ask him about it later.

"No problem." Zayn shrugs, leaving the room with his bags.

"You okay, Niall babe?" I ask.

"Yeah, fine." He informs me with a little smile.

"Did you save our beds Harry?" Louis asks as he walks in with Liam following.

"Yeah, I did." Harry says.

"Hey Liam, did Louis forget anything in the room?" Paul asks from the kitchen area.

"Nope, to my surprise he had everything."

"Thats what I told you guys but no one believed me!" Louis wines from his bed.

"Last time you forgot your phone, the time before that you forgot your laptop, the time before that you-"

"Yeah, Yeah I get it."


I cant do this anymore. I've been trying to sleep for hours with no such luck. Maybe its the bunps and turns from the bus, or the snores coming from the fours boys sleeping around me. Whatever it is, its not letting me sleep and just laying here staring at Niall's bed above me is driving me crazy so I swing my legs over the bed and stand up. I slowly walk past the others and make my way towards the kitchen area. I just really want a glass of water right now.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now