Coffee taste better with Niall.

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"Ronni, get up! I want to go swim in the hotel's pool!" I'll give you 10 minutes!" Abby says with a loud bang on the door. What a nice way to wake someone up.

"Ugh!" I groan as I roll off the bed to walk into my closet. I look around at all the cloths before finding my bathing suit. Its a light pink two-piece. The bottoms have white poke-a-dots and the top has white stripes. It was a birthday present from Abby last year. I put it on and then walk into the bathroom to look in the mirror. I was so tired last night that I forgot to take my make up off so its smudged all over my face. I laugh at my reflection and wipe it off. Then, I brush my hair and leave it down so it falls over my shoulders. I never swim with my hair up, anyways. On my way to the living room, I stop at the hall closet and grab two towels. Then I walk to where Abby was waiting for me on the couch.

"How long did that take?" I ask her, while throwing her a towel.

She looks at the clock and raises her eyebrows "Only 5 minutes! I thought you would take forever but I was wrong!" she says, standing up and walking to the door, I follow her with a bouncy steps.

"When are you ever right?" I tease, laughing. She rolls her eyes and pulls me into the elevator. One Thing starts playing and I look at Abby to see her grinning.

"Oh my God, Ronni! Is what happened last night real? Are we really friends with 1D?" she asks me with excitement

"It is real. We have proof in our phones." I say. I get my phone out, pull up one of the boy's contacts and show it to her. Her grin stretches to its extent.

"And that means that they really are living in this hotel. And they have the next two months off. And Liam asked for my number. And we are gonna hang out again!" She says all this very fast without taking a breath.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Abby. Calm down. We cant fangirl anymore now." I say. Just then the door opens to the lobby, we walk out, and make our way to the pool. When we get there, we are happy to see that no one else is here. PARTY-TIME! I drop the towel on a chair and walk to the pool. When I turn around, i see that Abby is already in and swimming on her back.

"Come on, Ronni. Get in now or we will do this the hard way!" she says to me.

" wont do anything Abby!" I say before I jump into the pool.

We spend the rest of the morning swimming and talking about what happened at the concert. Abby wouldn't stop taking about Liam and Harry. She liked Liam more but she also has a sweet spot for Harry. I told her about what Niall's texts said and how I cant wait to see them again.

At 9:30, we decide to go back to the room. When we step into the elevator, we look up to see Niall leaning against the wall.

"Hey girls!" He says with a big smile.

"Hey Nialler!" I say "I would hug you but I'm all wet"

"Aww, who cares?!" He shruggs and then gives me a big hug. When he steps back, He is soaking wet. "How did you sleep?" He asks us.

"Good" we say together. He smiles and then looks at me with a serious face.

"So, Ronni. I was wondering if you want to grab coffee with me?" he asks, without breaking eye contact.

"Oh,um..Sure! Yeah!" I say. I'm cool on the outside, but inside, I'm fangirling like a never have before.

He immediately grins at me and says "Cool. So I'll meet you in the lobby in an hour? Is that good?"

"That's perfect" I say. Just then, the elevator opens up on his floor.

"Well, I'll see you then." He gives me a quick hug and leaves the elevator.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now