Leaving Me Speechless.

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(Zayn's POV)

"Oh, umm....Yeah, but its not important."

"Are you sure?" Ron asks me.

"Err, Yeah. It can wait." I mumble. I really wanted to tell her. But I couldn't, not right in front of Niall.

"Okay, well, can I talk to Niall again?" She asks. I look over to Niall and see that he's still watching me.

"Yeah, here he is. Bye, Ron." I say as I hand Niall the phone. He gladly takes it and puts it up to his ear.

"Hey again, love!" He smiles into the phone. I sigh and walk away to the other side of the hotel's lobby, leaving him in peace. I can't bare hearing my mate flirt with the girl I love anyway. Its painful, as I'm sure I've already said.

(Niall's POV)

"Hey again, Love!" I chirp into the phone as Zayn gives it back. Ronni chuckles which makes me smile. I love her laugh. I love making her laugh.

"Hey, Niall." She laughs.

"What'd you and Zayn talk about?" I ask, innocently

"Oh, It was nothing." She states. I don't know If I should be concert or not about it but I trust her so I decide to let it go.

"Oh, Okay. So how is it going?" I ask. I hope she's okay without us there with her all the time. I worry about her a lot, wondering where she is and if she's safe. I'm sure she is but I just wouldn't know if something happened to her because I'm not there so I ask her all the time.

"Its alright. I sit around all day, waiting for the day you guys come back for me. Other than that, I'm fine." She pouts. I feel horrible about leaving her behind, but I had no choice. If I could, I would take her with me. The thing is, her mother hasn't called me to tell me if its okay to take her on tour. When I called her a few months ago, she said she would think about it. She must be thinking hard if it's taken this long. I may ring her up later to see if she as made up her mind.

"I'm sorry, Princess." I say. "I miss you as much as you miss us. We all miss you. Its hard not having you around all the time."

"Yeah. I know you all miss me. How could you not?" She laughs. "No where are you guys right now?"

"We're in a hotel, I'm about to turn in because I cant keep my eyes open. I just wanted to hear your voice before I called it a night." I tell her.

"Oh, well I'll let you sleep. Goodnight, Nialler! I love you!"

"I love you too, Ronno!" I giggle. "Goodnight." I hang up the phone, most unwillingly, and walk to the elevator that will take me to our floor. Once I get to my room, I open the door to see a sleeping Liam, who I always share a room with, on the bed. I walk past him and jump onto the bed by the window. I close my eyes and see Ronni's face, like I do every night, etched into my eyelids. Then, I fall asleep thinking about how much I miss her.

(Louis' POV)

"Oh, Hey Zayn!" I chirp as Zayn walks into our room. I've been sharing with him for the past few weeks since Harry is always with Katie. Katie...stealin my man! Haha, whatever, she's cool and Harry loves her to death so I'm happy for him.

"Hey, Tommo." He smiles a week smile and walks to him bed. I can tell something is bothering him, and I have a good idea of what it is.

"You miss Ronni, don't you." I ask. I'm the only one who knows that Zayn loves Ronni. The others think that he only Fancy's her but they are way wrong! Zayn tells me everything, and he told me about how he really feels. I don't plan on telling anyone either. Zayn wouldn't like if I did and I don't feel like starting something that could break Zayn and Niall's friendship again.

"Of course, I do!" He tells me. "But that's not whats bothering me right now."

"Talk to me, Vain Zayn." I tease. He giggles and shakes his head at me before taking a seat in front of me. He tells me everything, like usual. He tells me about how he was going to tell Ronni he loves her at the air port, how he was about to tell her on the phone, and how he couldn't tell her again because Niall was listening in.

"So, your bothered that you didn't get to tell her how you feel, again??" I ask, clearing up the story. Zayn nods and lays back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. Then, I say "Well, I don't think you should tell her in the first place, mate."

"Why not?" He ask, sitting back up to look at me.

"Well...If you do, she could tell Niall and then Niall will kill you. She could also get creeped out because she may not feel the same way. And...its just a bad idea, mate. I think you should only tell her that if your allowed." I tell him.

"Allowed? What do you mean?" He asks, confused.

"I mean, you should only tell her you love her if she's not taken by one of your best friends!" I tell him. "Your should only tell her when she's not taken at all, actually." Zayn blinks and then looks down at his hands. A silence falls over us as he gets lost in thought. I can see how stressful this is for him, though. I mean, He loves a girl whom he cant have! I would feel the same way.

"Your right..." He says suddenly, breaking the silence as he snaps out of his thoughts. "Your, absolutely right, Louis."

"When am I not?" I wink. He laughs and lays down again, this time getting under the covers and turning the light off.

(Harry's POV)

"I think we should just break up..."

Kat gasps and shakes her head "NO!"

"I'm sorry, Its not working out..."

"Yes, it is! Its working out just fine!" She wines at the telly. "Ugh, Harry I don't want to watch this movie anymore, its to sad."

"Okay love, what movie do you want to watch?" I ask, laughing at how worked up she got over the movie. I swear, she's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"I don't want to watch anymore movies!" She laughs. I giggle and tuck a piece of  her hair behind her ear.

"Then what do you want to do, love?" I ask.

"My bed." She tells me.

"You want to do you bed!?" I accuse, acting hurt. "And not me?!"

"No, Curly!" She giggles "I want to sleep in my bed! God, your a perv!"

"Oh, but you still don't what to do me?" I wink and wiggle my eyebrows at her to let her know I'm just joking.

"Not right now, Styles!" She laughs as she tucks herself into the bed. I walk over and cuddle in next to her, taking in her warmth. She turns so that she's facing me and wipes the curls from my face. Then she rest her hand on my cheek, staring into my eyes.

"I love you now." She winks, before closing her eyes and nuzzling into my chest, leaving me speechless.

She loves me now.

(A/N) BAM! Another chapter down, One more to go :(. SIKE! I was kidding, theres like 500000000000000000 more to go :)

I hope you liked this chapter. Im pleased with it. I thought I wouldnt finish tonight but I did  soo your welcome!


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