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(Ronni's POV)

"Excuse me?" I gasp, wondering if I heard him wrong. Correction, knowing that I heard him wrong. There is no way he said those words. Zayn, does not love me. If anything he just still has a little crush on me from a few months ago. The idea of him feeling any thing more than that is absurd.

"Zayn is in love with you." Louis says slowly. A smile spreads on my lips before I can stop it and then laughter bubbles up from my chest, doubling me over.

"Louis," I breath through my giggles. "Good one. You're funn-"

"Im not kidding, Ronni." He says. My smile slowly fades as I take in his serious face. Big blue eyes studying mine while his words sink in. Even though he repeated himself, I still don't think he really said it. And even if he did, I don't believe him.


"You heard me." He snaps, seeming to lose his patients. Before I can respond, he leaves the kitchen, carrying his tea in his hand. I follow him quickly, right on his toes. He's not going to leave my sight without giving me an explanation.

"Louis" I start, "What do you mean?" Louis rolls his eyes after taking a sip of his tea, then he slowly sets the cup on the side table.

"I don't understand why your so confused." He teases, making me throw my hands up in frustration. "Listen, I thought you knew!"

"How would I know that. Louis?" I snap. Louis sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "What?!"

"Your so clueless!" He laughs.

"Obviously!" I reply, falling onto the couch next to him once again.

"He makes it so obvious! Everyone knows how he feels about you, even Niall. He never told anyone but me, the others just put two and two together like I thought you would.

"Niall knows?" I ask, fear flooding my chest as memories from Niall and mine's fight cut into my mind. 'I've seen the way you two have been lately' Niall said, 'you seem to be closer to him now, right?'. It all makes sense now, Niall knew about Zayn's feeling and assumed that I did as well, he must have also thought that I felt the same way. How could I be so out of it? All this time I've been so clueless about what has been right in front of me while Niall has been spending the past few weeks, maybe months, secretly paranoid and watchful about Zayn and I, when in reality nothing has really happened between us.

"Yeah, he said he couldn't come up with any other explanation for the way he acts towards you."

"What else did he say?" I push, turning my body to fully face Louis.

"He said 'Zayn looks at her like I look at her'."


(Niall's POV) The Next Day.

"Niall! Hannah's here!"

Mum's voice echoes up the stairs, piercing through my closed door and my deep thoughts, causing a long sigh to slowly seep through my parted lips. I let a few more seconds pass without moving, sitting on my bed with my head in my hands, elbows propped up on my knees. I don't want to move. I don't want to go to this dinner, and I don't want Hannah to come. Not because I don't like her, I do. I care about her as well. I don't want her to come because that would mean even more photos of me and her, which leads to articles about how I have been seen with another girl, and then that leads to making my situation with Ronni worst. I'm almost certain she has seen the pictures and articles from yesterday at lunch, I know I have... Everywhere I turn I see those damn pictures captioned with lies like 'Horan caught red handed' or 'No more Nonni'. It makes me sick, how people just make up lies when they have no idea about what's actually happening.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now