Eventful Conversations

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(A/N) 10 votes and 7 comments for the next chapter :)

(Harry's POV)

"Well that gives you no excuse, Gemma!" I snap, turning around and running my fingers through my hair before I could get more worked up. I knew this would happen. I knew that as soon as I would bring it up she would defend herself by talking about what happened in the past. I knew she would compare Katie to my ex girlfriend. I knew she would act like this. I just knew it. But, I still forced myself to talk about it. One; because Niall wanted me to, two; its needed to be done, and three; I really need my whole family to absolutely adore Katie as much as I do. Mostly because I know for a fact that Katie will be around for a long time. Im just not going to let Gemma be like this. Yes, she was right in the past when it came to my relationships, but not this time. This time, Im right and she needs to realize that.

"Harry...Im just trying to make her know that Im not the type of person she can walk all over like the last one did and-"

"Katie will never do that!" I interrupt, turning back around to look at my sister. Her face is distorted into a face filled with absolute aggravation. Like it usually is when we got in arguments. When I was little, that face would make me cower and she would always win the arguments. Not because she looked scary, it just looked like she would explode into a million pieces. That thought was the scary thing that would make me cower. But not this time. This time Im going to hold my ground.

Gemma sighs and falls back onto the empty couch. And I take a deep breath to calm myself, so that I don't raise my voice loud enough to wake Katie, who is peacefully sleeping upstairs along with my parents.

"Well, she might try in the future." She defends, crossing her arms over her chest.

"NO," I yell, calming myself once again before continuing "she wouldn't do that Gemma, she's not like that. And being rude to her just so she can be scarred of you isn't okay with me. Listen, I know your just doing this to protect me. To make sure what happened last time wont happen again, but trust me, it wont."

"I am trying to protect you Harry, your right. Your my little brother and I want to make sure no one hurts you again."

"And I really appreciate that, Gemma." I say, taking her hand and sitting down next to her. "But that was a long time ago, and Im fine now! I got over it. And if that ever happens with Katie, I'll get over it again. The thing is, Im a hundred percent sure that if we break up, it would be me that was the problem, not her. But Im not going to mess this up. I wont let myself. Therefor, we're not going to break up."

"Okay, Im just worried about you." She says, the aggravation in her face finally leaving, sympathy taking its place.

"I know you are. But please dont worry about me. You see, Im in love with her, and you know that Ive never said that about anyone before. So I want you to give her a chance. Will you do that for me? Just talk to her more and actually smile?" I ask, poking her cheeks to curl her lips into a smile. She swats my hands away playfully and nods, making a grin tare through my cheeks. "Thank you, you'll love her, I promise you will."


"So thats why she acts like that!" Katie exclaims after I tell her what went down with my talk with Gemma. I even told her about my ex. To be honest, that went a lot better than I thought it would. I dont even know why I was so scarred to tell her about my ex. Maybe because it was a bad experience for me and I was worried to find out what she would think, but now I realize that it wouldnt even have much effect on her considering she was never involved. She seems more interested in my talk with Gemma, which is just fine with me because it involves less talk about my ex.

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