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(Liam's POV)

"Its Abby."

Abby? The Abby that I was crazy for then turned into a rude, bitter, jealous B word? There's no way she's calling me.



"Why...why are you calling me?" I mumble. She sighs and pauses before speaking.

"I want to apologize..."

"Apologize?" I repeat. "Dont apologize to me, go do that to Ronni."

"No, Liam. I hurt you too. I'm so sorry for being so impatient and rude. Looking back, you were right about everything and I just didnt listen..."


"Listen, I know that your not going to forgive me and thats okay. I just wanted to tell you that Im really sorry and also disappointed in myself for messing up a great friendship with you and Ronni."


"And..." She sighs. "I already said sorry to Zayn, Niall, Harry, Katie, and Louis earlier today. I wanted to save you and Ronni for last."


"Yeah. And now I have to make a huge apology to Ronni. So...bye I guess."

"No, wait!" I say before can stop myself.

"Yeah?" She says with hope in her voice.

"I...I forgive you.." I say. What?! I forgive her? Since when? Oh my god what happening to me?

"You do!?" She cheers. "Your the only one who has!"

"Well, yeah..." I says. "But what happened to you, Abby?"

"To tell you the truth, I dont even know. I just liked you so much. More than I've ever liked anyone and I just got so jealous of Ronni and Niall's perfect relationship and I just wanted that to be us. And now I know that I will never have that because I ruined everything."

"Well... I think its really nice that your going out of your way to fix things."

"I didnt fix things, Liam. I tried but I've had no luck with the others."

"Well at least you fixed things with me."

"I did?"

"Yeah, I forgive you."

(Ronni's POV)

"Guys!" I wine. "Get. A. Room!"

"Fine!" Katie laughs when she brakes away from Harry's lips for the first time him 10 minutes. "Come one Harry!"

"Okay!" Harry cheers as Katie pulls him up from the couch and drags him into the next room.

"Can I look now?" Louis says from the couch next to me. He's been shielding his eyes from the make out session since it started and hasn't looked up once.

"Yeah, all clear." I tell him.

"Thank god!" He sighs.

"Would he say he's in L-O-V-E well if It was me then I would, I would."

Niall smirks at my ring tone as it plays through out the room. I roll my eyes and get up from my comfortable position on the cough to get my phone from my bag in the kitchen. Once I unlock my phone to look at the caller ID, I see that the number is restricted so I cant see the number or the callers name, which makes me want to answer the phone even more.

"Hello?" I ask, waiting for a voice to reply.

"Hey Ronni." Says a familiar voice.

"Abby?" I ask. I swear if she's calling me again...


"What do you want now?" I snap.

"Ronni, can you just listen-"

"To you cussing me out for no reason? No thank you!"

"Ronni! I wasnt even going to cuss you out last time I called! I was calling to tell you that you were a lucky girl because Kurt didnt get what he wanted with you!"

"Whatever..." I spit.

"Okay thats not what I was calling to tell you. I wanted to say sorry, for everything I did to you and the others...."

"You dont mean it!" I accuse.

"Yes I do! If I didnt mean it I wouldnt care! If I didnt care I wouldnt be calling you right now!" She informs me.

"Whatever...just tell me what you want to tell me."

"I wanted to tell you that Im so, so sorry for everything. You were my best friend and I was just such a bitch to you! I dont know why.. well I do know why. I was jealous. I mean, all the years I've known you, I've been one step ahead with boys and grades and everything. Then, all of a sudden you were in the lead and it flipped my whole world upside down and I didnt know what to do or how to act because it never happened to me before...I know thats no excuse for what I did to you and I dont expect you to except my apology....but I just wanted to let you know that Im sorry."

"Anything else?" I say after a long pause.

"Yeah, I broke up with Kurt...I was never really dating him in the first place and I dont really care that he's in jail now."


"Ronnnniiii!" She wines.


"Im really sorry and I really mean it! Please say something other than 'Whatever' and 'Okay"

"Listen.." I sigh "I except your apology, but what you did and what you said to me and the others is completely unacceptable. I dont think we will ever be the same. We can start over and we may become friends again, but I doubt that. It think its nice that your clearing the air and saying sorry but its never going to fix everything. Not with me, anyway."

"I...I understand."

"Okay, is that it?" I ask hopfully.

"Yeah, thanks for listening." she says. "Bye, Ronni."

"Yeah, bye..."


And then I hang up.

(Abby's POV)

I havent felt so good in so long. I feel like the whole world has been lifted of my shoulders. Even if Liam and Ronni were the only ones who listened and excepted my sorry's. I really am sorry about what I did. I dont even know who I was or why I acted like I did.

I know it had alot to do with Liam. I liked him so much, and to be honest I still do. And Im so happy that we are going to start over. I want another change with Liam. With us. And Liam was nice enough to give me one.

Im never going to be like that again. Thats my new years resolution.

(A/N) HEY DIRECTIONERS! Happy new years! Whats your resolution? Mine is to lose weight because I need to! LOL

Vote and comment 3 Times for the next chapter!

I love you my little lemon drops! MWUAHH


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