Bundle of Bitch

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(Ronni's POV)

My phone buzzes another time and I almost throw it out the window. If this Kyle boy doesn't stop...Oh! Its a text from Liam! I smile and read the message.

'Hey love, A problem popped up and I need to talk to you about it. Meet me at the park in an hour? -Li x' When I finish reading the text, my smile fades. Oh gosh, what drama awaits me?

'Sure, see you then, Leeyum! -Ronni x' I send the text, grab my shoes, and walk to the door. Then I hear an Irish voice scream "Hey! Where you going babe?"  I jump and turn around.

"Gosh! I forgot you were here!" I tell him with a laugh.

"How could you forget about me?" He says, acting hurt. He sticks out his lip and uses his puppy dog eyes. I roll my eyes and cross the room to give him a hug.

"I'm sorry! And I'm going to meet Liam at the park. He said he needs to talk to me about some problem he is having." I tell him while I wrap my arms around his waist. He looks at me and furrows his eyebrows.

"What problem?" He asks.

"I don't know yet. I'm going to find out!" I say with a giggle.

"Well...can I come?" he begs me.

"I want you to come, but I think Liam just wants to talk to me right now." I tell him. He pouts and holds me tighter. I laugh and pry myself out of his arms.

"I'm sorry! I'll be back soon, text me or I'll miss you." I say as I walk out the door.

"Ronni! Over here!" I look to my left and see Liam waving at me from under a tree. I smile and skip over to him. Once I reach him, I take a seat next to him on the bench.

"Hey Liam. So whats going on? Am I in trouble?" I ask quickly. He giggles and shakes his head.

"No, but I'm very confused right now....more confused than I was when I saw that spoon/fork thing. A 'spork', you said?" He says as he tilts his head and looks at some point in the distance.

"Yeah, Liam. That was a spork. Get to the point." I tell him. He's stalling.

"Okay, well. Abby and I were talking and she told me that she wanted to start dating right away when I said I wasn't ready. Then...she was saying how I shouldn't be thinking about my last relationship and get over it. She said I need to start focusing on her because she gave me 'two long weeks'. I don't know what got into her but I don't fancy it. I don't fancy her anymore either..." He says without looking at me.

"What?! That doesn't sound like Abby!" I yell. The birds in the tree above us fly away, alarmed by my loud voice.

"I know. Why is there so much drama?" He asks, annoyed.

"I know right! You and Abby, Niall and Zayn-"

"You know about Niall and Zayn?" He asks with wide eyes.

"Yeah. I know I'm not supposed to know but oh well." I tell him with a shrug.

"Well, there is no more drama with those two. They sorted it out a few days ago." He tells me.

"Thank God! But...Does Zayn still...like me?" I ask. I really hope he doesn't because I'm in love with Niall and I don't feel like breaking that to Zayn if he still has feelings for me.

"I think so. He really likes you, but he swore to Niall that he wouldn't interfere with your relationship. It must be hard for him to watch you two be together..."

I sight and close my eyes. "Great....perfect." Note my sarcasm. Poor Zayn. I really don't want to break his heart by making him watch Niall and I be in love, but I'm not going to break up with Niall for anyone.

"What about the Katie and Harry drama? Katie told me that Harry has been avoiding her since he asked her out. Do you know why?" I ask randomly. I just need to change the subject so we don't have to talk about Zayn.

"Oh yeah! Harry told me he is trying to get into a really, really big party that's coming up and wants to take Katie as his date. He's being distant because if he talks to Katie to much, he will let the surprise slip out of his mouth. He's never been good at keeping secrets." He says with a laugh. He looks at me and then becomes serious. "Dont tell Katie I told you. Harry wants it to be a surprise. Just tell her to give him time."

"Okay I will. But I am going to talk to Abby. She needs to understand that your just not ready for her." I say as I stand up.

"That's fine. Come on, lets go back to the hotel. I'm sure Niall misses you." He teases. I smile and suddenly realize that Niall didn't text me like I asked him to. He always texts me if I ask him to. Oh well.

As I walk into my flat, I see Abby sitting on the couch watching the telly. I wave, throw my bag on the chair, and fall onto the couch. "Where's Niall?" I ask Abby.

"He went back to his flat." She says simply. She's in a bad mood, I can tell.

"So, um...Liam told me that you and him had an argument-" I start but she cuts me off.

"I don't want to talk about it." she says sternly. I sigh and scoot closer to her on the couch.

"Oh well, Abbs. We need to talk about it. You need to give him time to get over-" she cuts me off again and stands up.

"No, Okay? No! He tells me he likes me a lot, he tells me he wants to date, but he wont make it official! I can get over my ex in two weeks so he should, too!" She yells. I blink at her. What is up her butt?

"Well aren't you just a bundle of bitch today..." I mumble to myself.

"What did you say?" She asks...Oops, she heard me,

"Nothing. Anyway, you have never been in love, Abby, so you don't know how he-"

"Oh, and you have? I don't think so..." she says as she folds her arms. I roll my eyes at her because she is so wrong in this category. I am in love right at this moment, for her information.

"Liam loved Dan and then she broke up with him! He got hurt and it takes longer to heal from that than it does to heal from a break up with a crush. If you really like him you would understand and-"

"Ugh, you sound like Liam! You guys just don't get it!" She screams, throwing her hands up.

"No, we just don't get you!" I yell back. She blinks at me and we both fall silent. We stare at each other with dagger eyes before she grunts and stomps off into another room.

Liam was right. Abby isn't that 'likable' at the moment. This is our first fight and I have a feeling its not over. I mean, she is so wrong right now. She is being so stuck up and selfish right now. I cant even look at her and see the girl from only a few weeks ago. Its amazing how people can change so fast and so suddenly...

(A/N) IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY! Im sooooo sorry for taking so long to update! I feel really bad about it,. I was just being lazy and it was even harder because I had wrighters block. Had! As in 'NOT ANYMORE!' Thats right! I have a lot of ideas for the next chapterrrrrr!! I hope you liked this one. What do you think about Abby and Liam????? LEAVE COMMENTS! DONT YOU FEEL HAPPY WHEN PEOPLE LEAVE COMMENTS ON YOU STORYS??? MAKE ME FEEL THE SAME WAY AND ILL LOVE YOU FOREVEERRRRRRRRR!!!

Stay Strong, Keep Faith.


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