The Beginning of it All

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  • Dedicated to Nialler!

Please read, this is important. So I went back and read my first couple of chapters and realized how bad my writing is compared to my writing style now. I apologize if the first few chapter of this fan fic suck! But trust me, if you keep reading, you will see how much better I've got. I would re-write all the sucky chapters if I could but that would take ages so please dont stop reading if you dont like the writing style now because in a few chapters, you will see how much more detail I put into the story. Im more professional than this. So I ask you to stick with it and just keep reading!

Below, also in bold, I put two paragraphs from a different chapter. The chapter from which these paragraphs came from is about 30 chapters ahead of this one, and it shows my improved writing. i am putting it here for you to read so that you can see how much better my writing got after these first few chapters. Its a taste of what you will read if you power through these HORRID beginning chapters. Its to prove that not even HALF of this fan fic is as cliche and stupid as it will seem at first. here are those paragraphs:

Again, I stare at the bed above me while the bus rocks with movement. Eyes heavy and tired but refusing to close. Fingers tapping against the cool fabric of the sheets as my chest rises and falls with a steady pattern. Nothing has changed since I laid my head down three hours ago and all this time I have just been envying the others current state. They all lay in their bunks, wrapped up warmly in blankets with eyes closed and content snores leaving their mouths. But I lay here in the dark trapped in this stubborn body that refuses to rest for even a minute. It could be the swaying of the bus, or even the thirst in my mouth, but more likely, my worrying thoughts that have been keeping me awake. The same thoughts that have been bothering me for the past few days.

Finally, I give in. Knowing that I couldn't stand another minute laying there with nothing but the darkness, I swing my restless legs over the edge of the bed and stand, flinching as the cold floor makes contact with my bare feet. As quietly as possible, I tip-toe past the other bunks and into the kitchen/living area. When my eyes land on the sink, I realize just how thirsty I actually am. My dry tongue drifts over my chapped lips as I watch the water fall into the cup. When I raise the cup to my mouth and let the cool water flow though my lips, I look over the glass to see a very awake Zayn smiling over to me from the sofa, giving me a scare.


Now that you have read that, read this paragraph:

How would you react if you found out you where going to a One Direction concert with your best friend? You would probably scream your head off, cry your butt off, or pee your pants off, right? Right. Well I did all three. That's because I found out I'm not just going to their concert, I'm going to their concert in London! But I'm not just going to their concert in London, I have front row seats and back stage passes because my parents are awesome.


*CRINGE* What you just read was the first paragraph of this fanfic, it was also the first paragraph to a story that i had ever written in my life. I hope you see now that after a whole 6 months to a year, my writing has improved and matured SIGNIFICANTLY. I hope this proved my point and also given you a reason to stick with this fan fic till the end. So from here on until you get to the chapters with better writing, enjoy making fun of every carroty and cliche thing i will write. Now on the the 2nd paragraph of this fan fic:

Abby! I need to tell her that she is coming with me! Oh god, she is going to flip out! I run upstairs into my room and grab my phone. Its dead. Of course. I plug it in to the charger and decide to get dressed for the day ahead while its charging. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today but since its the first day of summer I am planing to go into town for a few hours. I skip into the bathroom and look in the mirror. My long, dark brown, wavy hair is in knots and my deep green eyes are wide and happy. I'm still wearing my PJ's and I kinda look like a hobo. I brush out my hair and put it in a messy bun then put a little make-up on. Then, I open my closet to my collection of Aeropostale clothes and pick out a navy blue dress and some white flats. Simple, yet attractive.

When I go back to my iPhone 5, i see that its fully charged. I turn it on and type a text to Abby. I have to tell you she is just plain awesome. She is funny, nice, and I could go on and on about why she is my bestie. But the best thing about her is that she loves One Direction as much as me. She is my only friend that will watch the boy's video diaries with me and not get bored! We both know all the 1D inside jokes and yell them out at random times! Obsessed? No. Dedicated is the word. Anyway, the text said:

Abbyyy! I have GREAT news! You will never believe this! It would be better if i tell you in person so meet me at the coffee shop down town at 11. -Ronni Xx

I look at the time and see that its 10:30 already so I run downstairs into the kitchen where my mom and dad are sitting at the table. My mom is eating her toast and reading the paper and my dad is watching the news. Ughh, the news...I hate the news. Its just depressing and boring. I don't know why he watches it.

"Okay, guys, Im going to meet Abby at for coffee so I can tell her about the concert next week. Im not gonna take the car today. I feel like walking." I say all this very fast because im in a bit of a hurry. My mom looks up from her paper and looks at me like I have three heads.

"What is it? Is there something in my hair?" I throw my hand up to my bun and check for and bugs and my mom just laughs.

"No, no, no. There is nothing in your hair. I was just wondering why you are in such a hurry." She stands up and straightens my dress for me and kisses my forehead

"Oh" I sigh, relaxing a bit "I just need to meet her in 30 minutes. I know I must be acting like I'm hopped up on sugar because I'm still so excited for next week! And thanks again for getting the tickets! Really! This is the best birthday present in the world! London and One Direction at the same time?! Still cant believe it! I love you guys!" I pull my mom and dad in for a group hug. I really couldnt have better parents. I love them and I know that they love me. Even if we have our moments....Hehe 'Moments'...get it? Never mind...

In the middle of out group hug, I got a text from Abby saying "Heyy Im here. Where are you?? I want to know the good news! Like, NOW! -Abbyss xox" I squeeze my way out of the hug and give them kisses on the cheeks.

"Okay I have to go now. Abby is getting impatient and you know how she gets." I yell behind me as I make my way to the door.

"Okay. Be home for dinner and don't get kidnapped!" I snorted at my dads joke and turned around to see him chuckling.

"Dad, I turned 18 yesterday. I'm old enough to take care of myself when I'm alone in coffee shops" I blow him a kiss and shut the door cutting off his laughter.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now