The Almost Final Choice

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(Ronni's POV)

After another run through customs, I'm on the plane again on my way back to London. Without hesitation, this idea turned into an action, my feet carried me back onto the plane while thinking of nothing but him and what I needed to do to make things right.

While he was standing there, I was leaving him. I was leaving because of selfish reasons; I wanted to give up, let go, and try to move on from Niall. But how could I do that to them? To Zayn, Katie, Liam, the others? They did nothing to deserve someone walking out on them. Besides, how could I give up on something I didnt even work on hard enough to fix?

After all this, I start wondering if I even want to fix it? I could let go and move on without leaving them all behind me; We can all go forward together with new intentions. Sure I may not need him in my life to function, but I need him in my life to live. After everything we have been through, I cant leave Zayn behind. He has never left my side, never talked down to me, and most importantly, he has never let his emotions ruin anything between us like Niall did.

I love Niall, I love him so much, but I have realized now that a strong relationship cannot run off of only love; You need trust, honesty, and a strong shield between both hearts, sturdy enough to keep even the smallest things from causing separation. All three of these important ingredients never made a true appearance with Niall and I, but with Zayn, they have. Now it is obvious to me that I do love Zayn, and I am ashamed that it took a kiss for me to finally realize this, but again, there is Niall and my love for him as well.

It is very possible to love two people equally, though you cant love them both in the same way. What you must do is find which love you are most comfortable with, which love you feel is more real. This is my reasoning for going back, I must make my final choice, no matter how painful it may be.

(Zayn's POV)

After watching the plane until it was just a speck in the sky, I left the airport and made my way back to the hotel, Katie and I take over the suite ourselves while everyone else is with family. Even though I have a loud, bubbly girl to jump around and keep me company, I cant feel anymore alone now that Ronni has left. In these months, she has become nothing less than a best friend, taking over my whole being with thoughts of her and her beauty. She had captivated me from the beginning, dragging me behind her with every step, and now that she's gone, I dont know where to step next.

I do know that I cant keep taking steps after her anymore. She left for her own reasons and I dont have to know what they are, its her life, her choices, and I cant keep trying to influence them into the direction I want them to go. If I run after her this time, what will I get? A kiss and then a reminder that she loves someone else? That doesn't seem worth it to me anymore. If she and I were meant to be, It would have happened by now, especially after all my attempts.

Now that she has left, there is nothing I can do except tell her one last time that I love her, and then move one, and thats exactly what I have done. Its been almost 17 hours and she has still not replied to that text or made any attempt to contact me, so she probably wont at all. It must be better this way, with her gone, taking her mixed signals with her, because if I ever saw her again, I know I would be right back to my old self: head over heals for a girl who wants my best mate.

An obnoxious ringing fulls the suite for the tenth time in the past hour, causing my head to throb. After ignoring every other call from my cell with caller ID's other than the name 'Ronni' , I decide to finally answer, so that the caller could maybe be satisfied and leave me alone. I groan a tired "Hello" and am responded with a cry of joy from the caller,

"Zayn!" He says, to loud for my headache. "I've been calling you all day!"

"I know." I reply, smartly.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now