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(Abby's POV)

Once the boys leave (except Niall, who wants to hang with Ronni), I take all my new presents into my room, including Liam's letter. I dump all the stuff on my bed and plop down next to it. I pick up the white envelope and take a breath. I don't really know why he wanted me to wait until he left to open it. I mean, if its just birthday wishes he would have let me open it with them here. This must be important, but I don't know what it could be. Time to find out. I slowly tear open the envelope and read Liam's letter. It says:

Dear Abby,

      First of all, Happy Birthday! I hope we made it one to remember! Second of all, I wanted to right this letter so that I can tell you something. I didn't want you to read it in front of us because no one knows that I'm telling you this and if the boys knew, they would overreact and embarrass me in front of you. I didn't want that to happen. Ha ha. Well anyway, I wanted to tell you that...ever since our wonderful date, I can't stop thinking about you. I want you to know that I think you are the most amazing girl I've ever met and I like you...No, scratch that. I like you a whole lot! 

     Now I have a question to ask. Do you feel the same way? I'm sorry that I'm asking this through a note but I don't know how else I could ask you since the boys are always looking over my shoulders. It you do feel the same way, tell me. If you don't, tell me. I really want to know. If the answer is 'yes', maybe we can that's what I want with all of my heart.

             With love always,

                         Leeyum xxxx

     P.S. Text me, call me, meet me, I don't care. I just love talking to you! :)

When I finish reading, I scream. That's right, I scream! I cant believe he likes me! This is just perfect because I like him SO much, its not even funny! I need to tell him. Like, right now! I take out my phone and pull up Liam's contact. I type a text and send it as quick as lightning. 'Hey its Abby. I read your letter and Its so sweet. And I want you to know that I do feel the same way. I always have :)"

'That's great! I'm so happy you feel that way :D' He texts back immediately.

' what does this mean?'

'It means we keep each other in mind and see what happens from here. Deal?'

'Deal! See you tomorrow, Liam. -Abby xx'

'Night, beautiful. -Li  <3'

(Liam's POV)

'Deal! See you tomorrow, Liam. -Abby xx' Every time I get a text from Abby, my heart flutters. I like he so much and I cant wait to see where we go. We could end out as a couple in the next few weeks. I really hope that happens because I think she is the one.


***2 weeks later***

(Ronni's POV)

At the moment, Niall and I are sitting on the couch, doing a twitcam. He came up with the idea and I didn't want to be in it, but he made me. So far, we have gained 50,000 viewers, which is a big deal for me since I only ever get 14 viewers when I do twitcams.

The last 2 weeks have been amazing. Niall has been amazing. He is the best boyfriend I have ever had. He is sweet, caring, a hugger, a great kisser, funny, friendly, protective, and so much more. And I think I have gotten to the point where...I'm in love with him.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now