New Wish

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(Niall's POV)

"Hey, Im just going to give Harry a call." I say, standing up and leaving Ronni on the couch.

"Okay, tell him I said hi." She says, nodding.

"Okay, be right back." I make my way through the living room and walk outside into the back yard, smelling the cool afternoon air as it surrounds me. When I take my phone out of my pocket, I see that I already have a missed call. It was from Harry at about noon.

"Hello" He says when he answers the phone.

"Hey Haz." I reply. "How's it going?"

"Good. Great, actually." He cheers. "What about you?"

"Same. My family love's Ronni! I knew they would"

"Who wouldnt love Ronni?" He jokes. "My parents love Katie, but were not so sure about Gemma."

"Oh, no." I sigh, taking a seat on the bench by the door. "Same as last time?"

"No...she's alot better than last time. I personally think she approves of Katie, but she is my big sister and she's going to be protective."

"That still doesn't give her a reason to be rude to her, ya know?"

"I know, Im going to talk to her tomorrow." He says.

" should just tell Kat what happened last time. I mean, its not even a big deal."

"I will. After I talk to Gemma."

"Okay, but can I tell Ronni, cause I feel bad not telling her about how Gemma is acting, considering Katie is her best friend and cousin." I beg. "Its not even anything bad." Harry doesn't speak for a few seconds and just lets a silence sit between us. When he does, he lets out a long sigh.

"Fine. Just make sure she doesnt tell Katie because I want to tell her."

"Okay, thanks. And you better tell her, Harold."

"Im going to, mum!" He laughs "But I have to go help make lunch, now. Or the girls will complain about how the men in the house never do anything."

"Typical girls" I giggle. "Ring me up if anything new happens. Bye, Harry."

"Thanks, Bye Nialler."

As soon as I hang up, the door behind me slides open and Ronni crosses the patio to sit down next to me.

"Did you tell Harry I said hi?" She asks, sweetly. I gasp and raise my hand to my forehead. Face palm.

"Ugh, no I forgot." I exclaim, shaking my head.

"Typical you." She sighs. "Its okay, Im used to your stupidity."

"What" I laugh "Thanks, babe. Love you too."

"Your welcome." She smiles. "So anything new with Harry and Katie?"

"Um, yeah, actually..." And this is when I finally get to tell her. I dont even know why Harry wont tell them because in my eyes, its normal for a big sister to act the way she did. The abnormal thing is the way Harry's ex girlfriend reacted.

"Okay, what happened?" She asks, turning her body to face me fully.

"Well, Gemma doesn't really like Katie."

"What" she asks, furrowing an eyebrow. "But you told me that they like-"

"I know, but I only just found out that Gemma doesnt like her." I curse myself as the lie escapes my lips. I hate lying to her, even if its a little white lie.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now