A Different Fish In The Sea.

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(Niall's POV)

"So, how have yeh been?" Hannah asks once the waiter walks away with our lunch orders, leaving us alone at the little table. I cant help but notice her deep Mullingar accent, it surprises me, though it makes sense considering the fact that she's here in Ireland 24/7 with nothing to water down her accent, Unlike me. Im surrounded by 4 other British and American lads who's accents sometimes rub off on me. Hannah smiles brightly at me and flips her shoulder length blond hair out of her eyes.  I sigh deeply before answering because I honestly don't want to talk about my life sense everything seems to be going down hill. I came home to get away from everything anyway.

"Grand." I say, throwing a fake smile onto my face. Hannah doesn't buy it. She could always see right through me.

"Are yeh sure about that?" She asks, dropping her shoulders. "Because yeh don't seem like your grand."

"Everything's fine." I lie. She says nothing, just rests her head on her heads while looking at me sadly.

"Is it the gal?"


"Your gal. Is something wrong?" Im quite taken aback by her question. Im about to ask her how she even knows I have a girlfriend when I remember that Im a member of a world wide famous boy band and that I have paps following me 24/7 who's job is to publish my private life for the rest of the world to see.

"Um, we're fine." 

"Oh, please," She laughs, leaning back in her chair while waving her hand passively. "I can tell something's wrong. You tensed when I brought it up. Did I tell yeh what Im studying now?"

"No? I say, confused and relived by the sudden change of topic.

"Psychology ."

"Oh, that's cool." I say, pretending to be interested, but actually, I was never interested in things like that. Why would I be when I work with music? And Why is she even bringing it up?

"Im studying the human language. That includes body language and facial expressions which I use to determine the thoughts and moods of other people. Niall, I can see through yeh even more than I could before. So good luck lying to me."

"O-Oh.." Wow, Hannah, I think. I thought you just had x-ray vision. "Well, I guess I'll just stop lying to you all together."

"Good idea. Now tell me, what happened?"

"What if I don't want to talk about it?"

"If yeh didn't want to talk about it I would understand, but yeh do want to talk about it."


(Ronni's POV)

"Louis, will you please just give me the remote?!" I yell, stomping my foot. For the past 10 minutes I've been chasing this boy around the otherwise empty hotel sweet in attempt to get the TV remote from his grasp with no luck. Some times I wish he was a little more mature, but if that was the case, he wouldn't be Louis.

"You need to get on your knees and beg." He smirks, stopping in his tracks to look over his shoulder at me. I sigh and roll my eyes before sinking to my knees. How else am I going to get to change the channel?

"Please Louis, can you please-"

"Uhh no. Repeat after me.'Can I please have the remote, Louis the sexy?' "

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now