Missing her already...

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(Niall's POV)

"I miss her already..." I sigh as the I watch the plain take off. The others nod their heads in agreement before walking away. I stay and stare out the window, wishing she didn't have to leave and wanting her here. Then, remind myself that she isn't coming back and I wont be able to see her for a whole year. And I don't like that. I slowly turn away from the window and follow the others to the parking garage. Each step farther away is harder to make. It's like she is my life source or something...I'm not right without her.

When we walk into our flat, I head straight to my room. I just want to be alone if I cant be with Ronni. I close the door behind me, collapse on the bed, and stare at the ceiling. Then, I feel the corner of a piece of paper poke my back. I sit up and look at the piece of paper. Its a letter. From Ronni! She must have left it on my bed while I was taking a shower or putting her bags in the car! I quickly tear open the paper and smooth out the creases. I stare at the paper and take in her handwriting, taking in each word at 100 miles per hour. When I finish reading the letter, I read it again...and again. I cant get enough of it. To think that she actually felt this way about me...Niall. I grew up in Mulligar, a small town where I was chasing the girls and the girls were not chasing me. I cant believe a beautiful girl like Ronni would ever love me.

Dear Niall,

I fell in love with you in one month. One month! This type of thing doesn't even happen in the movies. To everyone else, we are just two people that are in the middle of a summer fling. But you and I both know that its much, much more than that.

The next year is going to be horrible without you. Whenever I'm with you, I feel like the happiest girl in the world. Whenever I'm without you, I'm depressed. I just want there to be a way for me to be with you 24/7, but there isn't. If we can make it through this, we can make it through anything.

I want to thank you, Nialler. For being the best guy I've ever met, best friend, and best boyfriend, all at the same time. I also want to thank you for making me laugh, making me smile, and making me feel wanted. I don't get this back home. Your the only person who can make me feel this way and that is only one of the reasons why I love you.

I love you for you. Not Niall Horan from One Direction. I loved you that way when I was a Directioner, (which I still am, by the way, and I still fangirl sometimes) but now, I love you for your actual self. Your amazing...and I cant even begin to explain how much.

I love you to the bottom of the ocean and back :)

-Ronni <3

P.S. I will miss you with all my heart.

That's it. I now know that I wont be able to live the next year without her. I need to do something, or at least try to do something that will get her to come on the tour with me...If she cant, then I dont want to think about what it will do to me. She is my world, and you cant carry on without your world.

I pick up my phone and dial the number that belongs to the person who could change things for all of us. After a few rings I hear I voice on the other side.


"Hello, Mrs. Petterson. This is Niall. You're daughter's boyfriend.

(Zayn's POV)

She's gone and I didn't even get to tell her how I feel! Now I have to live with that for the next year, which will be torture...I was so close to telling her, but Niall pulled her away...again...like he always does. I love Niall, he's one of my best mates, but Its killing me that I cant have Ronni. But, I wont...I will not...take her from him. But, if they break up, I will try and get her. If he hurts her, I will have to hurt him. That's just the way its going to be.

(Katie's POV)

"The next year is going to be hard on all of us, not just you, Kat. But, I'm here to help you through it, okay? You have me to lean on." Harry winks at me from the other end of the couch. I suddenly have with craving to be in his arms so I jump up from my spot and transfer myself to his lap. He puts his arms around my waist and I rest my head on his shoulders.

"OH EM JEE! Kat, guess what!" Harry yells in a Vally girl voice. I giggle and roll my eyes.

"What is it, Harold?" I ask with a bored tone.

"I'm, like, so totally in love with you!" He says, again, using his Vally girl voice. His words make my breath catch in my throat. That's the first time he's ever said that. And the thing that makes me worry, is that its so soon.

"What?" I ask, looking into his eyes.

"What?" He says quickly, looking like he regrets something.

"You...love me?" I ask. He hesitates and then breaks eye contact.

"You don't feel the same way, do you?" He pouts. I stand up from his lap and sit next to him, but he still keeps his arm around my shoulders. I hesitate and look down at my feet...The thing is...I don't love him yet. I'm still falling for him, I haven't fallen for him, yet. I'm sure I will because of how great things have been going, but I'm not there. I cant believe he is.

"Harry..." I mumble. "I like you, so much. But I don't love you yet. I'm sure I will one day because of the way things have been going, but this is to soon for me. We only just started going out.I'm so sorry..."

Harry takes his arm from my shoulder and puts his face in his hands. When he looks up, he's smiling. "It's okay, babe. Thanks for being honest. I'm sorry if I scared you by saying it so soon, but, its true. I fell for you fast."

(A/N) Okay Okay! I know its suuupperrr short! But I needed to update! I tried to update yesterday but the internet went down for alot of people and i couldnt. and it didnt save my work so I had to rewrite it! ugh...anyway, I hope you liked it :)


P.S. Please comment and vote! PRETTY PLEASE WITH A NAKED NIALL ON TOP?

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