Sweet Texts, Cake, and Pictures.

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(Ronni's POV)

I run over to the big bear that's in the corner and hug it. Thank god it was real! I went on the date of my life and I'm dating the guy of my dreams!

"Ronni, can I ask you why your hugging a bear?" Abby says from behind me. I turn around and see that she cleaned up her mess and is staring at me like I have three heads.

"Um...you wouldn't understand." I say as I walk over to the couch. I plop down by Abby she rolls her eyes.

"You'd be surprised." She says. I laugh and then stand back up. I'm too happy to sit still.

"Oh, happy birthday, by the way!" I tell her. She grins and crosses her  arms.

"Its about time you said that! I thought you forgot!" She says with a giggle. I smile and walk back to my room. I just remembered that I have to wrap her present I got her. When I get into my room, I pull the boots out from under the bed and place them on the floor. Then, I walk to the closet, get some pink wrapping paper and walk back to my room. I place my self on the floor by the boots and start wrapping. Right as I finish, I get a text. From my boyfriend, Niall. My boyfriend, Niall. I like that.

"Good Morning, Princess Ronni!'

"Good Morning, Nialler!"

"You look beautiful today <3"  Is he in my room? I turn around and look behind me. Nope, he's not.

"How do you know that? Your not even here!"

"I don't need to be looking at you to know that your beautiful. xxx" I read Niall's text and my heart melts. He is seriously too good to be true!

"Your too sweet :) Hey, come over later to celebrate Abby's b-day. Bring the boys!"

"Okay, what time? Make it soon so I can see you <3"

"Any time -Ronni xx <3"

"On my way, M'lady ;)"

I smile at my wonderful boyfriend and skip into the bathroom. I quickly brush my hair and my teeth, then wash my face. I'm still wearing my PJ's so I run into my closet and put on a red crop top and shorts. I don't pick out any shoes because we're just staying in the flat. Then I walk back to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Blech. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and put on a little mascara. What? I don't want to look bad in front of Niall!

Right at that moment, I hear yelling and the slam of a door. The boys have arrived. I walk out of my room, down the hall, and into the living room. Louis is Zayn a piggy-back-ride, Harry is talking to Katie, and Niall is walking towards me.

"Hey, girl!" He says all girlie like, which makes me laugh so suddenly that I snort.

"Hey, Niall!" I say, still giggling a little. He leans in to give me a hug and when he pulls away, a kiss on the cheek. It was a long kiss on the cheek so naturally, I melted into a puddle. He pulls away and grins.

"Your so cute when you blush." he says. This just makes me blush more and he laughs.

"And your cute whether your blushing or not!" I tell him. Its his turn to blush.

"Guys, if your going to flirt, do it quietly!" Lou says with his grossed-out face on. Niall and I laugh and then walk to the couch. When I sit down, Niall grabs my hand. Just then, the door opens and Liam walks in.

"Hey, Lads and Ladies. Sorry I'm late. I had to clean Lou's room....again." He says. When he sees Abby he grins from ear to ear and walks over to her.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now