Loved or Loathed

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(Katie's POV)

"Harry, I dont think she likes me..." I mumble as Harry closes his bedroom door behind us. I just met Harry's family and they were all lovely. It was a lot easier than I thought It would be. But Gemma didnt seem like she liked me very much. She smiled and she was kind, but It seemed like the smile she offered me was forced. Or maybe she's just having a bad day...

"Who?" Harry asks with furrowed eyebrows as he crosses the room to sit on his bed. I sigh and sit next to him, watching as he shakes his curls before smoothing them back out with his hand.

"Your sister." I answer. Harry looks up and shakes his head with a small smile.

"Dont worry love." He says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Gemma likes you, she just doesn't know you, thats all."

"Are you sure?" I want to believe him. I do actually, Im just paranoid about this. Im known for my paranoidness. Thats not even a word. I guess you could also say Im know for making up my own words.

"Yes, Kat! Now, what do you want to do?" Harry says cheekily, making it obvious what he wants to do. I roll my eyes and stand up from the bed.

"Unpack, Harold." I tease as I open up my suit case. Harry grunts from behind me and then stands up to work on unpacking his own bag.

"Your such a tease" He sighs, playfully. I smirk and throw my shoe at him just in time for it to hit him in the balls. He bends over dramatically and falls to the ground to rest next to the shoe. I roll my eyes at his bad acting before turning my attention back to my bag.

"Oh my! My Poor balls!" He moans between his fake cries and muffled laughs. "Kat, babe, will you rub them for me?"

"Harry Styles!" I yell turning back to him so I can give him my famous death stare. He laughs and finally stands up before looking around like he's frantically looking for something.

"Harry Styles?! Where?!" He asks with a high pitched voice, trying to mimic a fangirl.

"Your impossible." I sigh, rolling my eyes and turning away once again.

"Ah, but your wrong. If you spell out the word 'impossible', it says 'Im possible'. "

"Shut up." I snap, running out of witty things to say.

"Shut down." He says back in the same tone. He, on the other hand, never runs out of wittiness so I always lose these battles. He just likes to be difficult sometimes.

"Thats mean." I fake pout. He lets out a breathy laugh before kissing my cheek and taking my hand.

"Sorry not sorry. C'mon, I smell food." He says as he drags me away from my half way unpacked bag and down the stairs. Whatever we're smelling smells like heaven. Im not kidding. It smells to die for. Harry always talks about how he misses his mom's cooking. He's always saying how she can make the best tomato soup in the world. And I think thats what she's making tonight by the looks of it.

"Looks great, mum." Harry cheers, kissing her cheek sweetly. She smiles as Harry helps set the table by laying out plates. I tilt my head as I watch his lean figure walk around the kitchen cheerfully. I love how sweet he is to the girls in his family. He easily shows his love for him mom and sister without second thought. It not like that at my house. Not at all like that...Its good to see some love in Harry's family.

"Wanna help?" Gemma says from my right. I snap out of my thoughts and smile at her, nodding my head.

"I'd love to. Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts." I say, taking the glasses from her hands and placing them on the table.

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