She's Perfect.

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(Harry's POV)

"I love you now"

She loves me now. I cant believe she loves me. I thought I scared her when I told her I loved her, but I guess not. She loves me and that's what I get to rub in all the other guys faces.

"You do?" I ask, still not sure if I heard right.

"Yeah, I love you." She smiles. I put my finger under her chin and tilt her head so that I can look into her beautifully eyes.

"I love you, too." I say before I crash my lips to her's. The familiar addicting feeling I get when I'm kissing her returns. She kisses back with as much, if not more, passion. I wrap my arms around her curvy waist and pull her closer so that our stomachs are touching. I kiss her for a few more minutes, mostly because I cant pull away. She's so addicting. However, when we do break the kiss. I stand up and pull her up with me.

"That's it. I'm taking you out." I tell her with a cheeky smile.

"What!? Its like 11:30pm!" She argues.

"So? I want to take my girl out!" I say. She giggles and walks over to her dresser.

"Fine." She laughs as she pulls a sweatshirt on.

"WOO WOOO WOOOO!" I yell, throwing my arms up with each 'woo'.


"Oh my god, never again!" She laughs while trying to catch her breath. I laugh and take her hand again, leading her down the alleyway of whatever city we are in today. I lost track from being on tour. Hey, I'm Harry! I don't keep track of these things. I always ask Liam if I want to know!

"Sorry, babe! But if we wanted to get out of that hotel we had to sneak out since its so late. And sneaking out involves running from guards." I tease. "But you wouldn't know that!"

"What do you mean 'I wouldn't know that'?" She rolls her eyes.

"I dought you've ever sneaked out before. Your a goodie goodie!" I tease again.

"Oh, you'd be surprised, Styles."

"So you have before?" I gasp.


We both burst into laughter as we turn onto the main street. I lead Kat down the sidewalk, walking silently, hand and hand until we reach the Nandos by the mall

"Hey, look Kat." I say as I point to the Nando's. She looks from Nandos to me and raises an eyebrow.

'Yeah?" She asks.

"That's where we first met." I say as I kiss her cheek.

"It is, isn't it." She mumbles while looking at the Nandos. She giggles and then looks to her feet as we start walking again.

"Whats so funny?" I ask her. She shakes her head as her smile becomes a grin.

"I just can't believe whats going on in my life right now, that's all."

"Whats going on?"

"Well, I'm friends with One Direction and I'm dating Harry Styles. It's just something you would find in a fan fiction." (The irony)

"I guess it is. I can't believe I'm dating you."

"Oh yeah? Whats that supposed to mean, Styles!?" She giggles

"It means that I'm truly lucky." I say as I kiss her cheek, making her blush.

"Im lucky, too." She says, bitting her lip. I've never seen her bit her lip, I must say it turns me on when she does it. Everything she does makes me love her even more. She beautifull. Sure, she has flaws, but they're so cute on her. All I can think when I look at her is that she's perfect.


IM SORRYYYY! I know its really short. It was going to be much much longer but I really needed to udate. Gonna start the next chapter tomorrow


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