The Pothole In Our Road.

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(Ronni's POV)

Again, I stare at the bed above me while the bus rocks with movement. Eyes heavy and tired but refusing to close. Fingers tapping against the cool fabric of the sheets as my chest rises and falls with a steady pattern. Nothing has changed since I laid my head down three hours ago and all this time I have just been envying the others current state. They all lay in their bunks, wrapped up warmly in blankets with eyes closed and content snores leaving their mouths. But I lay here in the dark trapped in this stubborn body that refuses to rest for even a minute. It could be the swaying of the bus, or even the thirst in my mouth, but more likely, my worrying thoughts that have been keeping me awake. The same thoughts that have been bothering me for the past few days.

Finally, I give in. Knowing that I couldn't stand another minute laying there with nothing but the darkness, I swing my restless legs over the edge of the bed and stand, flinching as the cold floor makes contact with my bare feet. As quietly as possible, I tip-toe past the other bunks and into the kitchen/living area. When my eyes land on the sink, I realize just how thirsty I actually am. My dry tongue drifts over my chapped lips as I watch the water fall into the cup. When I raise the cup to my mouth and let the cool water flow though my lips, I look over the glass to see a very awake Zayn smiling over to me from the sofa, giving me a scare.

"God," I start, coughing when I feel a drop of water go down the wrong pipe. "You scared me."

"I see that." He says coolly, standing up and taking a few steps closer me. "You okay?"

"Fine." I say, after finally recovering. "Why are you still awake?"

"You kind of just woke me up." he laughs. I blush slightly and look away, placing my cup in the sink behind me.


"No, Its fine." He says with a wave of his hand "So why are you awake?"

"Cant sleep" I sigh. Zayn nods and runs his fingers though his hair, falling silent. Something I know he does when he's nervous or not sure of what to say. But after a long and awkward silence he looks back up, taking me by surprise when he looks me straight in the eye with a smile.

"Join me." He exclaims, gesturing to the sofas with his hand. "I had this thought out, remember?"

"I remember." I giggle, following him though the kitchen. Once into the living area, Zayn takes his same seat on the sofa, this time pulling me down next to him by taking my hand and tugging.

"So why cant you sleep?" He asks, fiddling with the sleeve of my shirt. I shrug, not really knowing the answer myself.

"I don't know." I mumble as I look away, causing him to look up with concern.

"Is something bothering you?" He asks quietly. I shake my head and give him a rather unconvincing 'reassuring' smile, cursing his ability to look right through me.

"Yeah, there is..." He exclaims, turning my chin so I could no longer break eye contact and I watch as his eyes soften when he sees my sad expression. "What is it?"

"Its nothing." I say, trying to convince him. He gives me a 'come on now' look and automatically, my act breaks. I've never been good at lying, but Im even worst when it comes Zayn and even more worst when it comes down to Niall. "I mean... Its nothing, really. Its stupid."

"Its not stupid if its bothering you. It must be something." He suggest, sweeping a strand of hair from my eyes with his index finger.

"Zayn, Im fine." I say stubbornly, looking away in hope that he wont be able to see through me again. I have to lie, even if I don't like it. I just cant tell him how I'm really feeling right now. It would confuse him. It would confuse me. It would hurt him and that would hurt me. It would just cause problems. If I just flat out tell him that 'Hey! I think I may like you a bit! But I cant be with you because I love Niall. But that's whats been bothering me'.  Not going to happen. I would crush him...

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now