A New Problem and A New Friend.

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(Ronni's POV)

I've just walked into my flat to see Louis, Harry, and Abby playing the wii in the living room. I guess Liam and Niall went back to their flat. I tiptoe to my room and hide Abby's new boots under my bed. Then I throw my purse on my bed and plug in my phone. I hate it when its dead or dieing. Before I walk back to the living room to join the others, I change into my sweatpants and T-shirt. The shirt is amazing! Its red and it says "Keep Calm and Bazinga!" from The Big Bang Theory (my favorite show besides The X Factor).

When I walk back into the living room, Harry and Louis are tickling Abby to the point where she can't even breath. I sigh. Well, its time to save a life.

"BOYS!" They look up without stopping the tickle war. I laugh and say "At least let her take a breath."

"RONNI! Help me!" Abby screams through her laughs.

"Nahh, I'm good." I say while walking to the kitchen. I'm so craving a glass of juice right now. Energy Juice! Haha, One Direction inside jokes...never mind. When I open the door to the fridge I hear yelling some where in the distance.  Below me, I think. The voice has an Irish accent. Is...is that Niall?

"WHAT THE HELL, ZAYN?!" Why is Niall yelling? What did Zayn do?!

"WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO TAKE HER FROM ME? YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL BUT THAT DOESN'T STOP YOU?!" What on Earth? Take who from Niall? Niall likes someone?! And Zayn is trying to take her from him? Well I know this much: that girl isn't me. Crap, that girl isn't me. That means Niall doesn't like me...Wait! Why should I care? I don't like him and he will never like me....No, I lied. I totally like Niall. Ugh!

I shut the door to the fridge and run into the living room to see Harry, Louis, and Abby all frozen with their eyebows furrowed. Okay, they heard it, too.

"Guys! Did you hear Niall yelling!?" I ask them

 Louis takes his phone out and says "Yeah! I'm going to text Liam and see what happened. I've never heard Niall sound so serious. Except for when he told us the he has a crush on---"

"---LOU! SHUSH!" Harry jumps up from the couch and puts a hand over Louis' mouth, gives him a Shut-Your-Hole look and then slowly takes his hand away. Me and Abby look at each other. They know who Niall likes! I have to get it out of them.

"Yeah, text him. And, Lou?" I slowly walk to Louis' side and look at him with puppy dog eyes. "Will you pwease tell me who Niall likes?" I asks him. He looks down at me and smirks.

"Why do you care, eh?" he asks. Well, I cant tell him that!

"Um...Just wondering..." I say.

"Lou can't tell you that." Harry says from behind me. I turn around and look at him with the same big eyes.

"Well maybe Hazza can tell me?" I say while smiling sweetly at him. He folds his arms and narrows his eyes.

"Whats in it for me?" He asks me. That's just SO Harry of him.

"Um...I'll be your best friend." I say giggling a little. He laughs and shakes his head.

"You already are. How about we trade Niall's crush, for your crush." He says.

"What do you mean?" I say. I don't even want to know what he means.

"I mean, I'll tell you who Niall likes if you tell me who you like." He says while poking my arm. I swat his hand away and roll my eyes.

"Fine! But you can't tell Niall-- I mean...you can't tell anyone!" I turn to Louis and Abby and say "This is between the four of us! No telling!" They smile and wave their hands in a tell-us-already sorta way.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now