You're Upset.

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(Ronni's POV)

Katie and Harry are in Holmes Chapel, Zayn just left for Bradford, Liam is about to leave for Wolverhampton, Louis is going to stay for a few more days before leaving for his home town, and Niall is already on his plane to Ireland. I found that out just a few minutes ago and ever since then I have been wondering why he felt like it wasn't important to say goodbye. I mean, he is going to be gone for two weeks, and the worst part is that he left before we could sort anything out, leaving me to bathe in my own self hatred and guilt. Maybe I should just follow him there, do this whole romantic thing where we meet in the airport and run longingly at each other. Though I doubt he would participate in this act. Most likely he would let me run up to him only to side step me at the last minute causing my momentum to carry me into whatever lies behind him.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to Wolverhampton? I can take you so you don't feel so-"

"Alone?" I guess, taking Liam aback. "I wont be, Louis will be here for the next few days and Katie will be back before he leaves."

Liam takes a seat beside me and eyes me sadly. I squirm under his intense gaze. "You know that's not what I meant..."

"Then what did you mean?" I snap, snatching a pillow from my right before clutching it to my chest tightly. I need something to squeeze other than Liam's neck, who has asked me if I wanted to go to Wolverhampton about 1000 times now. I know he is just trying to help but I don't want his help. I don't want anything except for everyone to stop pitying me. It makes me feel weak, like I cant take care of myself and depend on others to keep me going. Maybe that's true, and maybe that's why I've been so bitter to everyone. I don't want to except the fact that I cant be independent now that I feel like my world left me.

"I can get your mind off things if you come with me. I can show you around and let you meet my friends. They're great, they can make you laugh on the best days. My friend Andy-"

"Liam, I told you I'm not going! It wont make me feel better, okay?" I snap again, fisting the corner of the pillow with aggravation. Liam seems to consider this for a moment before standing up from the couch to leave the room, only to emerge from the hallway again with this suitcases rolling behind him.

"Please understand that I'm just trying to help." BANG. The door slams. Swallowing up my last view of the boy who was just trying to help. As his stinging words sink in, so does my heart. It falls. All the way to my stomach and out my rear, leaving me feeling even more empty than before. Good Job, Ronni. There goes another important person in your life. Right out the door, and it was your fault once again.

"What's wrong with me?" I grown loudly as my head falls into my now wrinkled pillow. I consider throwing it across the room in frustration but when I look up and raise it behind my head I find Louis in my field of fire. He flinches slightly as he expects the pillow to fly towards him, but I slowly lower it back down to my lap and watch him walk towards me. He approaches me like one would approach a wounded baby animal, slowly and full of concern. I look away as his face appears right in front of mine. At first I think that he has kneeled over to my level, but when I glance up, I see that he has sat on the coffee table in front of my spot on the couch so that he takes up most of my field of vision.

"Hey." he says.

"Hey." I reply. Then silence follows. An awkward one at that with Louis' icy blue eyes studying my face with determination. After a minute of this, I clear my throat awkwardly. "What?"

"You're upset."

His comment takes me by surprise, causing me to glance up at him with curiosity. "I know that."

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now