Girls Day Out

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(Ronni's POV)

"That sucks..." I exclaim. Niall just told me that him and the other boys will be busy all day with interviews and photo shoots, so we wont get to see them until they come back the to hotel we are currently staying at later. I guess Katie and I will have to go do something and catch up. We haven't been alone for ages.

"I know, but I promise that I'll spend lots of time with you later to make up for it!" He says, kissing my cheek. I blush and give him a side hug. Then, Paul rushes over and pulls Niall away from me and toward the Range Rover. "Bye Ronni! Love you!"  He calls over his shoulder.

"I love you, too!" I yell after him. I wave and then turn to Katie who drags me away back toward the hotel room.

"You two are so loved up." She laughs, rolling her eyes. I giggle, thinking about how her and Harry are even worst than Niall and I.

"Oh dont even get me started and you and Harry!" I tease.

"Yeah yeah yeah..." She laughs, swatting my arm.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask, changing the subject.

"How about we go look around in those little shops we passed yesterday?" She suggest. "You know, the ones with the cute dresses and things in the windows?"

"Sounds good! Just let me get my things." I say when we reach the door to our room.

"Okay, hurry. Chop chop." Katie snaps, playfully.

"Alright, alright! Calm yo tits!" I laugh as I turn around and walk into the hotel room. I walk over to the dresser and grab my bag that has my money and phone in it before leaving the room and meeting Katie back in the hall.

"Did you tell me to 'calm my tits'?" She questions. "Really?"

"Yep! Are they calm yet?"

"Give 'em a minute." She says simply, like we were having a normal conversation. The thing is, we are NEVER normal.


"Okay, Im getting this!" I say, holding up a white sweat-shirt with 'I <3 Ed Sheeran' printed on the front. Yes, Im an Ed Sheeran fan. No, more like a Sheerio. Its like a Directioner but for Ed Sheeran! Ed once tweeted 'I get asked all the time what my fans call themselves. i approve of sheerios, i like that one.'

"I love it! Did you see this?" Katie asks, Holding up an orange iPhone case with words on the back. "It says 'Be a true heart, not a follower.' Ed's lyrics."

"Oh my gosh! How much is it?" I ask, taking it from her and checking the price. Only $7.99. Im getting this too.

"Im getting it. Are you getting anything here?" I ask.

"Yeah, I need new headphones." She says, holding up some simple pink headphones. "Im just getting these."

"Okay, lets go." I say, pulling her to the cashier. "Then we can go to that little ice cream shop we saw."


"Hey! It's Ronni! Niall's girlfriend!"

Katie and I turn around in our chairs to see a young boy jogging towards us. Yes, I said boy.

"Yeah, Hey." I say, awkwardly. I've never talked to a boy fan before. He seems about 16 or 17. Surprising.

"Im a huge fan of 1D! I know its weird for a guy to like-"

"Its not weird!" I correct him. "Its just rare! Are you a Directioner or just a fan?"

"Hard core Directioner. There are 6 R's in Terrance, Louis like's carrots, Liam hate's spoons, Harry likes pus-"

"Hey, there! You proved your a directioner so you dont have to go on." Katie says, stopping him from going all carrot. (A/N) A carrot is a Fan of One Direction who still thinks that the old inside jokes are funny even though they over use them every day. In public. Im not saying that I dont think the jokes are funny, they are. But the fans that over use them everyday are called carrots. In case you didnt know.)

"Oh, okay! And your Katie right?" I've seen you with Harry in the magazines." He says, changing the subject.

"Yeah! We're dating."

"Really?" He asks, shocked. "Thats what everyone's saying but no one know's if it's true."

"Yeah, dont go around telling everyone though. I dont even know if I should have confirmed it yet. I gotta talk to Harold."

"Its okay! I wont tell anyone!" He says, shaking his head. "But can I have your autograph?"

"Oh, sure. And whats your name?" I say, grabbing a napkin and a pen. I sign my name and them pass it on to Katie, who does the same and hands it to the boy.

"Danny." He says.

"Well there you go Danny! Nice meeting you." Katie says.

"Nice meeting you guys too!" He says. He gives us one last smile and then skips out of the shop. He asks pretty young. Its weird.

"Katie!" I yell/whisper.

"What?" She shrugs.

"You gotta be care full about what you tell fans!"

"What? Why?" She asks.

"They could be underCOVER GIRLS! I mean....They could be under cover interviewers."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well...A while ago, I was in the mall and this fan found me and wanted to ask me questions, so we sat down and she was like, firing these  questions at me. I didnt know why until the next day when I found this article on twitter about me. She was an undercover interviewer and if something slipped from my mouth that I shouldn't have said, it would have been all over the Internet. So be care full. If he was an undercover interviewer, you and Harry's relationship wont be a secret anymore."

"Oh my god." She says, mouth hanging and eyes bulging.

"Yeah." I laugh.

"Why didnt you tell me?"

"I forgot until now! Sorry."

"Its okay, but are you done with that?" She asks, pointing to my half finished ice cream.

"Yeah." I say.

"Okay, me too. Lets go."


"Im gonna go take a nap." Katie says, slumping to the bed by the window. "Wake me up when the boys get back."

"Okay, I will." I say, sitting down on the couch. Right at that moment, Louis, Zayn, and Niall walk into our room...loudly. "Katie the boys are here!"

"Ughhhhhhh!" She moans, sitting up from her 10 second nap.

"Hey, babe!" Niall exclaims as he walks over to me and jumps on my lap.

"Owww, Niall! Not so hard!" I yell as his weight pushes me further into the couch.

"Thats what she said." Louis laughs, who sits next to me.

"Act your age, Louis. Not your shoe size." Zayn giggles, taking a seat next to Louis.

"Yeah, Louis! But where's Harry and Liam?" I ask. The boys look at each other with furrowed eyebrows, but dont answer right away. "Well?"

"I dont know...they were with us right before we walked in." Zayn says.

(A/N) WHERE AND HARRY AND LIAM???? idk read the next chapter to find out!

IM BAAAACKKKK! Im sure you all missed me:) jk you just missed my chapters :l
Well I missed you guys!
I hope you liked this chapter because I didnt. It was more of a filler.

You know what to do! 5 VOTES AND 5 COMMETNS!


P.S. Oh yeah, and cover #1 had the most votes so this is the new OFFICIAL cover for Wishes at 11:11. Hope all of you like it!

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now