Missing him already...

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(Ronni's POV)

Its been 3 months since I last saw Niall and the lads. 3 freaking months! And I'm missing Niall so, so much. I don't even know how I have survived without him. I've just been spending all my time at home, pouting and thinking about Nialler. I wish I could be with them right now but that wont happen. I mean, I talk to Niall and the lads everyday on skype but I'm not there with them. Its not the same! The boys and Katie have been touring, having the time of their lives, while I'm stuck at home with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one to see.

I haven't heard from Abby at all since she left early from London. My Mom and Dad noticed something happened but I wouldn't open up until I could talk about the boys without bursting into tears. When I told my parents about me becoming best friends with the boys they let me see in concert, they believed me straight away, which I think is weird. When I told them I was dating Niall, they didn't even flinch. I don't understand why they didn't ask questions and acted like they knew it the whole time, but they seemed more interested in the fight with Abby.

When I told them about Abby, they were mad and frustrated. I don't blame them, I mean, I feel the same way about it. But the thing is, they wouldn't drop it. They kept telling me to give her a call and set things straight. I never did, though, and I never will. I'm better of with her out of my life and Katie in it!

Katie calls me everyday, twice a day, to tell me whats going on where ever they and and how everyone is doing. Right now they are in Ireland, which I'm sure Niall is over the moon about, and they have to do some interviews. But of course, I wont get the right channels in America.

So, yeah. Here I am now, laying on my bed and day dreaming about when I get to see everyone again, when I get a text. From Kyle.

'Ronni, why didn't you tell me you went back to America!? I guess that explains why I haven't been able to find you for a few weeks. Buts that's okay, I found you now. :) -Kyle'

Great. So now I have a new stalker. But, how did he find out? And how does he know where I am? I haven't told me mom or dad about this cause I don't want them to make a big deal. The only one who knows about Kyle is Zayn, who also calls me everyday. I remembered what he told me before I left. He told me that if Kyle contacts me again, I need to tell him. I guess that's what I've got to do.

I put the phone to my ear and let it ring, hoping that he will answer and that he's not busy. After a while, he answers with "VAS HAPPENING!?" which puts a huge smile on my face. I miss him, a lot.

"Hey, Zayn." I say, trying to sound happy. But of course, Zayn doesn't buy it.

"You okay, Love?" He asks with worry

"Yeah, yeah fine." I tell him. "Its just that Kyle text me for the first time since London."

"What!?" Zayn asks loudly. "What he say?"

"Ronni, why didn't you tell me you went back to America!? I guess that explains why I haven't been able to find you for a few weeks. Buts that's okay, I found you now." I read the text to him.

"Ron, I think he's stalking you." He tells me carefully.

"I think he is, too." I agree.

"Ron, if I was there with you I would do everything to help, but I'm not. This bloke seems dangerous and I don't want you to be in America all alone." He tells me

"I want to be with you guys! Do you know how boring it is without you lads around all the time?!" I wine.

"I know, love. We all miss you over here. We need to find a way for you to come on tour with us. Not just because we all miss you but because it will be hard for the Kyle bloke to follow you and try something. We are always on the move and you will also be around people at all times. You will be so much safer." he says.

Wishes at 11:11 (Niall Horan and Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now