I Want To Hear You Tell Our Love Story.

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(A/N) Lets do 6 comments and 5 votes for the next chappie because you guys are ready to take this to the next level ;)


"Heyyyyy!" Says a bigger man as he opens the door right after Niall's knock. The man looks young, maybe a few years older than Niall, but something about his features scream 'adult'.

"Greg!" Niall cheers, stepping away from me to give Greg a man hug. "I've missed you, lad!"

"Ive missed you too, little brother. Its been a long time with you living in London now."

"I know." Niall agrees, stepping back to my side again. He takes my hand a leads me through the doorway and further into his home.

"Oh, Greg," Niall starts, taking my hand "this is Ronni." Greg does a double take and focuses his attention on me for the first time since we have arrived. He blinks has he looks from me to Niall and back before he breaks into a wide smile.

"This is the one you talk about every time we call?" He asks and Niall nods proudly. "She's gorgeous, Nialler."

I blush at his comment and smile as I shake his hand. He's such a nice guy. I open my mouth, planing to say 'nice to meet you', but Im cut off by a loud scream and fast footsteps coming done the stairs.

"Niall! Is he here, Greg?" I look up and see a short woman with short blond hair halfway down the stairs. She stops when her eyes meet Niall's and then a huge grin spreads across her face.

"Mum!" Niall exclaims as he spreads his arms out for a hug. His mom descends the last few steps and takes Nialls hug, showing off how short she is compared to him. And I thought Niall was short for a guy.

"I've missed you, Nialler!" She exclaims as she leans out of the hug and looks at Niall, taking in his face while still holding onto his shoulders. "Oh my god, look at yourself. You've grown a foot since I last saw you!"

Niall playfully rolls his eyes at the typical mom comment about his hight and then turns her so she is facing me. "Mum, this is Ronni."

"Oh my, its so nice to finally meet you, girlie! Niall talks about you none stop when we get to talk to him. Your even more beautiful than I though!" She is a very chatty woman isn't she?

"Thank you, Mrs. Horan. Its nice to meet you ,too." I say, reaching my hand out, expecting a hand shake. But, instead Mrs. Horan smirks and swats my hand to the side before embracing me in a warm hug.

"'Mrs Horan'? No, love. Just call me Maura." She says as she pulls away from the hug. I smile and nod my head, not quite sure of what to say now or what to do. I desperately look at Niall and silently beg him to do something that would break the awkward silence. He clears his throat and speaks up, apparently getting the jist of what I wanted.

"Hey, wheres dad?" He asks, shattering the unwanted awkwardness that only I could feel.

"He'll be home soon." Greg answers. "Why are we just standing here by the door? Lets move to the living room shall we?" He suggest, clapping his hands together. We all agree and Niall leads me even further into his house by lightly placing his hand on my back. Once we reach the living room, Niall and I take a seat on the love seat thingy. Yeah, I just said 'thingy'.

"So, Ronni!" Mrs Horan- I mean Maura says, crossing her legs and looking up at me. "Tell me about you." oh god. I freeze and look at Niall who gives me a reassuring nod. Now or never. This is my time to win them over and make them like me. No...love me.

"Well...Im 18 and Im from America...as you can tell from my accent.'" I laugh nervously. "I finished high school awhile ago and right now Im just touring with the boys. I dont really have much to say about myself unless you would like to know about, umm...." I stop. I dont have anything to talk about that involves me. Now that I think about it, all I do is hang out with the boys and when Im not doing that, I read.

"Tell me about how you guys met." Mrs Horan...I mean Maura suggest. She can tell Im nervous. I think Im making it obvious. And now she wants me to tell her how I met her son, okay....I can do this....I cant do this....Wait, I can try.

"Well, I had backstage passes and-"

"No, babe. Start from the beginning. I want to hear you tell our love story." Niall interrupts, with a cheeky wink. I know he is doing this to make it harder on me. He's gonna get it later. But behind the wink and the smug way he said the sentence, I know that he really does want to hear me tell our love story. We have actually never discussed it.

"Okay. It started on my birthday-"

"With detail" Niall says, again interrupting. This time, he said it softly like a child asking a mom for a bedtime story. I nod and continue.

"It started on my birthday, when my mom and dad got me tickets and backstage passes to the boys concert. I was a huge Directioner, still am, actually. I also got to stay in London for two months with my best friend. Well...ex-friend. Gonna leave that stuff out."

"What happened?" Greg asks. Niall shakes his head at him in a 'Lets not talk about that now' way, and I continue.

"I had first row seats at the concert and got to talk to Niall when he first came out on stage. I tapped on his foot-"

"She wanted me."

"Niall, manners. She's talking."

"Yeah, Niall. Anyway, I tapped on his foot because he was right in front of me. He saw me and we introduced ourselves-"

"And you asked me what my name was. Haha, that was funny because Im Niall Hora-"

"Niall stop interrupting!"

"Yes, mum."

"Then" I continue "After the concert, I go backstage to meet the boys with my friend. They were exactly how I expected them to be. Except for Niall who offered me a chip-"

"Niall gave you a crisp?! My Nialler?!"

"Mum! Dont interrupt!"

"Yes, he gave me a chip...or crisp as you call it. Then, Paul let us stay longer than we were supposed to. We talked for hours and exchanged numbers, and it turned out that we were staying in the same hotel for two months." When you think about it, this all seems to good to be true, like it was planned because these things just dont happen. At all. They just dont. But it happened to me. And Im stilll trying to find out how and why. "We hung out for awhile and we were all starting to get close. Niall asked me to go to coffee with him and I remember fangirling for hours!"

"You wanted me."

"Niall shut up, or do you want to tell the story."

"Maybe later on, keep going."

"So during coffee, we talked and got to know each other even more. Then we made our first 11:11 wishes..." I trail off and think about that time. The beginning of everything. I smile and bite my lip to keep it from becoming a goofy looking grin.

"I remember that. And our deal we made..." Niall grins, the same goofy one that Im trying to keep of my face. Niall and I just stare at each other and silently remember that day as Maura and Greg sit there awkwardly not knowing what our deal even is. And I don't think Niall and I plan on telling anyone. Our 11:11 wishes and our deal is the only thing that we can call our secret. Our little game. Our bond. And even though we never discussed it, I know that its a game that we will always play, and a secret that we will always have. And somehow...Its a bond that will always be there....


(A/N) IM SOO HAPPY I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!11!!!!1!1!!11

I got 11,550 reads


Do you know how much that means to me? NO and you never will because I cant explain it. I just want to thank you all so much. I love you guys. But I want you guys to fan me if you are fans of my fan fic. Or I guess you follow now instead of fan people. Weird...

So yeaaahhhhhh! Do that.

6 comments and 5 votes for the next chapter. :)



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