Chapter 53: Another Brother Fight

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Yes everyone, Sesshomaru is back yet again! And I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry! Please don't be mad! Anyway, it's time to continue. Enjoy!

3rd Person's POV 

Sesshomaru walked at a steady pace. He had only one goal in mind; find Naraku and destroy him once and for all. Jaken, however, was just trying to keep up with his master. "Lord Sesshomaru, wait for me," Jaken said as he tried to keep up. 

Naraku, where are you? Sesshomaru thought. You can't hide forever. I highly doubt you will want to either. 

That's when Naraku's cackle entered the air. Sesshomaru came to a stop and just as he did a whirlwind hit the ground. When it died down, Naraku was seen standing on the path that Sesshomaru was walking on. "It's been a while hasn't it Sesshomaru?" Naraku stated with an evil smirk on his face. 

The dog demon didn't utter a word as he stared at Naraku with his emotionless face. 

"Still a man of few words I see."

Sesshomaru then pulled out Bakusaiga from his side and prepared to attack Naraku. "I've been waiting to destroy you Naraku, and now is the perfect time to do so," Sesshomaru told the vile villain. Naraku chuckled at Sesshomaru, confusing the Lord of the West. 

"You will not be battling me Sesshomaru." 

Before Sesshomaru could blink, the Wind Scar seemed to come out of nowhere and was heading towards Sesshomaru. He moved out of the way with ease and looked to see that his attacker was none other than his younger half-demon brother, Inuyasha. However, something was different about him. His eyes were soulless, which reminded Sesshomaru of the young boy Kohaku when he was under Naraku's control. Naraku seemed to find this confrontation amusing. He delighted in the fact that these brothers were about to fight each other. 

"So, you've taken control of Inuyasha, have you Naraku?" Sesshomaru questioned, not showing an inch of emotion. 

"Correct. So what will you do Sesshomaru? Will you kill your own brother? Or will you find some compassion in your heart to spare the half-demon?" 

The dog demon only huffed out some air as he prepared his sword. "I never considered that half-demon to be my brother!" With that being said, Sesshomaru charged straight towards Inuyasha and the two soon were clashing swords with one another. Naraku smirked as he disappeared, allowing the two to fight without an audience. 

As the two swords clashed, Sesshomaru noticed Inuyasha's fighting style had changed. It seems that Inuyasha is a more accurate opponent when he's under Naraku's control, Sesshomaru thought. How pathetic. 

Meanwhile, not too far away, Izayoi and the others were running towards the battlefield. 

"Are you sure that Naraku is nearby?" Mochigo asked Izayoi as they ran. 

"I don't know for sure but I do know that his scent isn't far," Izayoi replied. "And I think Uncle Sesshomaru is there too." 

"What is Sesshomaru doing there?" Kayuma questioned. 

"We're about to find out," Ayuma answered. 

Back with the two brothers, their swords clashed several times but neither of them seemed to be getting tired. Seeing an oppertunity, Sesshomaru charged at Inuyasha and knocked the half-demon to the ground. Inuyasha didn't move from his spot on the ground as Sesshomaru slowly approached him. 

Just when Sesshomaru was about to cut off Inuyasha's head, Izayoi and the others arrived. "Uncle Sesshomaru stop!" Izayoi shouted as she ran towards the two siblings. She got in front of Inuyasha, making sure her Uncle couldn't attack him. "Please Uncle Sesshomaru, I'm begging you not to attack Papa. He's under Naraku's control. He doesn't know what he's doing."

Sesshomaru huffed. "Did you think I was unaware of this?" He questioned. "I know that Inuyasha is nothing more than a puppet of Naraku."

If you know that then why are you attacking him? Izayoi thought.

"Now stand aside."

Izayoi growled. "Or what? You'll kill me too? I won't let you do it Uncle Sesshomaru. You're just falling into Naraku's trap!"

Insolent girl, he thought.  "Fine." Sesshomaru jumped back before he sliced through the air with his sword, sending an attack straight at Izayoi and Inuyasha. As it seemed to hit the two half demons dust and dirt flew everywhere, forcing the others to cover their eyes.

"Izayoi!" Shippo yelled as the attack went right at the young girl. When the dust died down, there stood a barrier that was placed up by the sheath of a sword. The thing was, it wasn't Izayoi who was holding up her sheath; it was Inuyasha! He was standing in front of her, holding his sheath up to block the attack. 

The others gasped in shock. "He's protecting her?" Ayuma questioned. "I don't understand."

"Now I see," Arrosa stated as if she had finally put all the pieces of a puzzle together. "Inuyasha is fighting for control."

"How is he doing that?" Mochigo inquired.

Arrosa pointed at Inuyasha. "Just look at him." 

Everyone turned their attention to Inuyasha and all gasped when they saw he had transformed into a full demon. He growled as he glared at Sesshomaru with his red eyes. "P-P-Papa?" Izayoi asked, wondering what was going on. 

"Stay here," Inuyasha demanded in a raspy voice, something she hadn't heard in years. (A/N: If you wanna know what happened all those years ago read "Taming the Beast?")

"But I don't understand," Kayuma said. "Why isn't he attacking Izayoi? He's in his demon form and he's under control." 

"It's because Naraku has no way corrupt Inuyasha any further than he already is," Arrosa explained. "You see, Naraku was able to take control of Inuyasha because his heart was half-demon, half-human. However, since Inuyasha is a full demon, there is no way for Naraku to corrupt Inuyasha since Inuyasha is already corrupt with demonic power." 

"So in other words, Inuyasha's own demonic powers were able to help him break free from Naraku's control," Ayuma summed up. 

"Precisely. And now that Inuyasha is all demon, he is going to do whatever he can do to protect his kin, aka Izayoi."

Izayoi's POV 

Papa was protecting me. He was really protecting me! Before long, he charged right at Uncle Sesshomaru, trying to slash at him with his claws. However, Uncle Sesshomaru was too fast for Papa, even though he was in his demon form. 

"This is pathetic Inuyasha," Sesshomaru stated as he used his sword to hit Papa, sending him to the ground. "This ends now!" 

Just when the attack was about to hit Papa, I pulled out Tensoga and used the Backlash Wave to send the attack back to Uncle Sesshomaru. Uncle Sesshomaru moved out of the way just in the nick of time, only receiving a small cut on his cheek. I glared at him, trying to be intimidating.  What happened next surprised me; Uncle Sesshomaru put his sword away and then began to walk away. I don't understand, one minute he wants to kill Papa and then the next minute he just walks away. I thought with confusion. 

"Izayoi," Mochigo's voice brought me back to reality. I looked over to see me friends running towards me. "Are you all right?" 

I gave him a reassuring smile. "Yes, I'm all right." 

Arrosa turned her attention towards Papa, who was still lying on the ground. I looked too and was surprised that he wasn't getting back up and leaving. Then she started walking towards him. She knelt down and placed a hand on Papa's heart. 

I walked over to where she was to see what she was doing. "Arrosa?" 

"Mmmm," was all she said. Papa was unconscious but he's demon markings still remained. "I see. I have a theory." 

"A theory?" 

"It's a long shot, but I believe I can find a way to break the control that Naraku has on Inuyasha." 

Okay, I know you're all mad at me for not updating and I'm sorry! I have had projects, homework, chores, family coming in, and surgery so can you please cut me some slack? Anyway, can Arrosa really break the bound of control that Naraku has on Inuyasha? And if so, how does she plan to do it? Find out next time. Please comment, vote, and share!

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