Chapter 36: Sesshomaru's Test

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That's right, Sesshomaru makes another appearance in the story. Last time you saw him, he saved Izayoi's life- but not because he loved her or anything. The man has his reasons. (But I still think that under all that toughness he's a big softy.) Anyway, what happens when he comes across our group of heroes and Shippo? (LOL). Find out now.

Izayoi's POV 

"Come on slow pokes." I told the others as we made our way through the woods. I was ahead of the others, who trudged right behind me. Hope was sitting right on top of my shoulder as I ran and she was sleeping like the little kitten she was. 

I didn't know why I was so pumped up really. Maybe it was because I thought that luck was finally on our side for once. 

"Hey guys, there's a clearing up ahead." I told the others as I came to a stop. 

"Good," Ayuma said. "Maybe we can take a break before continuing."

When we all came to the clearing, I noticed the wildflowers the grew in the field. It was like one of those fields you see in dreams where you just want to lie down in them all day. "Sure is beautiful." Kayuma commented. 

I nodded in agreement. As I was looking over the field, I noticed someone moving near the other side. At first glance, it was hard to see any distinct features but as I got a better look, I noticed white hair. 

"Hey, that's Uncle Sesshomaru." I pointed out. 

Everyone turned to where I was looking at to see my Uncle walking near the other side of the field. "What's Sesshomaru doing here?" Arrosa asked. 

I didn't really pay attention to Arrosa because I was already running over to meet my Uncle. "Uncle Sesshomaru!" I shouted, getting my Uncle's attention. 

"Wait up Izayoi!" Mochigo yelled as he and the others followed right behind me. 

When I came to a stop in front of my Uncle, I couldn't help but smile at him. He just had the same, unemotional look he had on his face the last time I saw him. With him, I noticed a little green imp with a staff in hands.

"How dare you come close to Lord Sesshomaru!" the imp said.

"And you are?" I asked.

The imp fell in shock, as if he expected me to know who he was. "You don't know who I am?!" he asked. I sweat dropped and shook my head. "I am Lord Sesshomaru's right hand man! I am the Great Jaken!"

I shook my head. How does this guy know my Uncle? I thought.

"Why are you here?" Uncle Sesshomaru questioned, making me raise my eyebrow. "I told you to stay out of this fight." 

"This is my battle too," I answered. "Naraku took Mama and Papa. He's controlling them and is trying to find the sacred jewel. This is just as much my fight as it is yours. I'm not just going to stay on the sidelines while Naraku is out there planning to hurt more people."

Uncle Sesshomaru kept looking at me with his emotionless face while I stared back him with a low growl emanating from my throat. Then I could see his hand reach for his sword, Bakusaiga. He quickly drew it from its sheathe and tried to take a swing at me. I quickly jumped out of the way with only a cut on my cheek. 

"What was that for?!" I yelled. 

"Draw your sword Izayoi," Uncle Sesshomaru demanded as he held Bakusaiga out in front of his body. "If you truly wish to battle Naraku, then proof it by drawing your sword." 

What do I do? I thought to myself. I have to fight, but I don't want to. Why is he making me do this? I reached for Tensoga and pulled from its sheathe and allowed it to turn into a fang. 

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