Chapter 75: Naraku's New Incarnation

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Izayoi's POV

We settled into our rooms and then separated into groups to go around and search the grounds of the manor. These were the groups:

-Shippo, Mochigo, and I
-The Twins and Sir Exorcist
-Mama and Papa
-Miroku and Sango

3rd Person's POV

The twins could only watch as Sir Exorcist got on his hands and knees to try and to find the demon, assuming that it was under the house. "I'm telling you, I sense a demonic presence under this house," Sir Exorcist insisted as he looked down below.

The twins just looked back and forth between each other and then sighed. There was no helping this guy. "Should we be letting him do this?" Kayuma asked the elder twin. 

Ayuma sighed. "He's a fully grown man, he can make a fool of himself if he wants to and we can't stop it," Ayuma stated and then began walking away. Kayuma soon followed after her sister, wondering how a man like Sir Exorcist had survived this long in his line of profession. 

As the twins rounded the corner of one of the servant huts, they saw a servant sneaking out of her hut, carrying a bundle under her arms. The two looked at each other and nodded before following closely behind the young woman. She left the servants' area and then went into one of the larger huts. The two twins slowly slid the door open to find the hut completely dark. "I've got a bad feeling about this," The twins spoke at the same time.

They each prepared themselves as they tiptoed into the hut. It was dark and neither one of the two could see much. They both wished that they had brought Kilala with then but it was too late to do anything about it now. As they went deeper inside the hut, the girls felt the hairs on the back of their necks stand up at the presence of the demonic aura. They then saw a light on a room at the end of the hall. The two looked at each other, nodded, and then made their way to the door-scroll. There were two people inside, one looked to the servant and the other looked to be a young man, maybe their age. The demonic aura seemed to be resonating from him. 

"Master, I've brought you the bones you've asked for," The servant stated, unwrapping the bundle to show to the mystery person. 

He reached for one of the bones and seemed to sniff it. Then he put it down. 

"...Are you pleased?" The servant hesitantly asked. 

"Very much so," he replied. "...However, you led someone here." 

The twins silently gasped and moved in a little closer to the door, just in case 

"What? What do you-" 

"I do not believe in failure my dear. I don't like this one bit." 

From the shadows of the door, the twins saw that there was something coming from the guy's body, like a tentacle of sorts. It went to strike the servant but Kayuma was way ahead of it and threw her weapon at the door, just barely blocking the tentacle from hitting the woman. Ayuma then ran in with her sword in hand, grabbed the girl, and ran out before the mystery man could do anything else. "Go!" Ayuma told the girl after she was safely in the hallway. She ran outside and the twins ran into the room, where the young man was taking a sip out of a cup of tea, as if nothing had happened. What really caught the girls' attention about the young man was his appearance; he looked to be around seventeen, maybe eighteen, black hair to his shoulders, red eyes, and skin that was somewhat pale. He looked very similar to Naraku. 

"So, you've found me," the young man said, putting his cup down calmly. The twins got their weapons ready and the young man chuckled. "Really now, there's no need for such things. I can be quite reasonable." 

"You can drop the act!" Kayuma growled. "We know you're a demon!" 

"Was it that obvious? I thought I was playing my role fairly well." The fellow sighed. "Oh well. I guess I will have to tell him I failed. Oh! Where are my manners? I have yet to introduce myself; I am Shuichi." 

Ayuma clenched her fists and had her sword blade right close to his neck. Shuichi didn't flinch at the action and just sat there and looked at the angered teen. "Have you been the one killing the people of this manor?" 

Shuichi yawned. "Yes. That was me," he answered. "I took the form of the Headman's son and decided to have some fun with this position of mine." 

"Why?! Why you would do this?!" 

"I really don't have to tell you why," Shuichi stated before grabbing a hold of Ayuma and slamming her into the wall with his hand using surprising strength. Kayuma tried to help her sister but was unable to because she too was slammed into the wall by Shuichi's other hand. He yawned again, finding their attempts feeble and useless. "You both bore me so...Let's see; Naraku never said that I could kill you, but he also never said I couldn't kill you." 

Just as his tentacles came out to attack the twins, three sacred arrows came flying at Shuichi, who quickly jumped out of the way before he could get hit. The twins fell to the floor and Miroku, Sango, and Mochigo quickly ran to their sides. "Are you two okay?" Miroku asked his daughters. 

"We're fine," Kayuma insisted as she and her sister got helped up. 

Over with Shuichi, he was now outside of the hut and surrounded by Inuyasha, Kagome, Arrosa, and Izayoi, who had their weapons ready to use against the young demon if need be. "Stay where you are!" Inuyasha yelled at Shuichi. 

"One step and you're done for!" Kagome told the young man. 

Shuichi put his hands up as if he were surrendering. 

"Be careful," Arrosa warned. "He's very dangerous. He is, after all, an incarnation of Naraku." 

"Please Arrosa, I prefer that you call me your brother." 

"Not happening!" Izayoi stated, pointing her sword at him. 

Shuichi chuckled and then glanced at Izayoi from the corner of his eye. "Oh Izayoi, if only you knew what was about to come." he muttered under his breath. 

So this has been a long time coming. Sorry if it's not that good guys. I feel like I haven't done this in forever though. Tell me what you guys think. What is Shuichi talking about? What is about to come? We're gonna find out next time! 

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