Chapter 6: The First Demon Fight

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Izayoi's POV

The next morning, we were up bright and early as we headed out towards the nearest village. Ayuma led the way again with the rest of us following right behind her. "We should be near a village in a little while," I told everyone as we walked up a hill. "I can smell humans not far from here."

"Then we can start asking questions there then to see if anyone's heard anything about Naraku." Ayuma said.

As we walked towards the top of the hill, we all stopped to stare at the scene below us; a small village that was as normal as possible. There were men working in the fields, women cleaning out their homes, children playing games, a group of people standing around a person tied to a tree.......wait back it up here!

"What's going on down there?" Mochigo asked.

"It looks like someone is being held in the center of the village." Kayuma said.

"Let's go check it out." Shippo suggested.

We all walked to the village and made our way to the group in the center. "Please understand that we are only doing this for the well-being of the village." an old man said.

I tried to look over the crowd but couldn't. I then snuck through the crowd to see that the person tied to a tree was a young girl, 3 or 4 years old, was crying. "What's going on?" I asked one of the villagers.

The villager turned to look at me and he looked like he had seen a ghost. "The demon is here!" he shouted. In a matter of seconds, everyone in the village ran into their huts to hide, leaving us and the little girl outside.

"That was.....strange." Ayuma admitted.

I walked up to the little girl and she began to cry more. "Please don't eat me miss demon!" she begged. "I don't want to be eaten!"

"Calm down," I told her as untied her. "I'm not going eat you."

"Y-you aren't?" she asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"No," I said. "Why would I want to eat you?"

"Because I was the offering for the demon." the girl told me.

"Offering?!" We all said we shocked.


Later that day, the village elder sat us down to tell us what was occurring; "We've been plagued with a demon for quite some time now," the elder explained to us. "He has told us that he will spare the village as long as we give him whatever he asks of. He's only asked of material items but recently, he asked for our children. The child you untied outside has been the 5th child asked to be a sacrifice to the demon."

"That's awful," Kayuma said. "So you're sacrificing children to the demon?! That's horrible!"

"We've had no choice," the elder said. "If we didn't do as he said, then he would destroy the village."

"Well then we need to help," Ayuma told the elder. "We can handle this demon of yours no problem."

"But how?" the elder asked.

"First we'll need some bait." Ayuma said as she looked at me.


For those of you who didn't figure it out, I was the bait. "Really guys?" I asked as I was tied to the tree.

"Oh calm down," Mochigo said. "It's not as if you're going without weapons. You've got your sword and claws."

"Still though, I'm not some damsel in distress you know." I said.

"We know," Shippo said. "But you look like one so that will help with fooling the demon."

"The demon is coming!" one of the villagers said.

Everyone went inside a the huts and I placed my head down as the demon made his way towards me. "I see you've brought me a sacrifice," the demon said with a deep and husky voice. "Now I shall be able to feast."

Just before the demon could even touch a hair on my head, I broke free of the ropes and swung at the demon with my claws. It fell to the ground and held its cheek with its hand. "You're going down for harming the people of this village." I told him as I grabbed Tensoga.

I had it in a firm grip as I began to swing it. "Wind scar!" I yelled as the attack went straight towards the demon. It made a direct hit at the demon and caused him to disintegrate. When the dust settled, I smirked at the victory. "And that's how it's done."

As I turned me back though, I felt the demon's demonic presence resurface. I turned to find that his bits and pieces of flesh were forming back together, only this time to form a demon different in appearance to that of the first one. "Ha ha ha! You cannot kill me half-breed!" It laughed. "I will just keep regenerating!"

"Then I'll just have to keep cutting!" I replied.

"Izayoi no!" Mochigo shouted, getting my attention. "You need to find what's allowing the demon to regenerate! It's just going to tire you out to try and kill you."

"Right," I said. "Can I get a little help over here?"

"You got it!" Ayuma nodded before she, Kayuma, and Mochigo joined me in the fight. Ayuma and Kayuma tagged teamed it up with Kayuma throwing her bone boomerang at the demon, making it jump back towards Ayuma, who slashed at it with her twin blades. Mochigo also joined in on the action by throwing sutras at it to immobilize it. "We got this here, Izzy!" Ayuma insisted.

"Find out what's keeping the demon from dying!" Kayuma told me. "There must be some sort of spell or being that helps the demon regenerate!"

Taking that into consideration, I closed my eyes and sniffed the air, trying to find anything out of the ordinary, besides the demon anyway. Soon I caught a whiff of something off. I followed the scent to a tree outside the village and found a small green demon uttering something. "So you're the one causing trouble," I said with a smirk.

The demon panicked and tried to run but I quickly used the Wind Scar on him. Once he was through, Ayuma took out the main demon with her blades.


"Thank you for helping us!" the village leader told us as we started to leave the village.

"You're welcome." Ayuma told him with a smile.

"Well that didn't go so well," I said. "We didn't find anything out about Naraku."

"It's just the first village though," Mochigo pointed out. "We still have a long way to go."

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