Chapter 2: To the Village of Demon Slayers

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Mama climbed onto my back and held on tightly as I began running to the village of demon slayers, home of Sango, Miroku, and their children Ayuma, Kayuma, and Mochigo. It took a few hours but we finally reached the village of demon slayers and as usual it was busy.

After Naraku's defeat, Miroku and Sango got married and had the 3 kids. Soon afterwards, Sango's younger brother Kohaku started training others in the way of the demon slayers. Sango helped out as well as soon as her own children were old enough to learn the ways of a demon slayer. (Mochigo also did training to become a monk). This helped populate the village and soon there were many more demon slayers.

"So where do you think they are at Mama?" I asked as I looked around in the busy village. Several village men were pulling around carts through the village with demon bones inside of it. Then there were women cleaning out their homes by sweeping the porches. Then there were children in the village playing games with each other.

Mama and I walked around until we found Sango outside her hut with Ayuma, Kayuma, and Mochigo by her side. They were teaching some young demon slayers how to use their weapons. "OK class," Sango said. "Show me what you would do if a demon was coming directly at you."

The students all did defensive guards to shield themselves. "Very good." Sango commented.

All the students bowed before running to their homes in the village. "Sango!" Mama hollered before running over to hug the demon slayer.

I then ran and hugged Ayuma, Kayuma and Mochigo. They had smiles plastered on their faces. We hadn't seen each other in almost what felt like a year. I know I said a month before but you get the point.

"It's so great to see you Izzy." Ayuma said.

"It's great to see you guys too." I told them.

"How have you been?" Mochigo asked.

"I've been good," I said. "What about you guys?"

"We've been good as well," Kayuma spoke. "However, Father hasn't been on good terms with Mother lately, if you know what I mean."

I sighed. Uncle Miroku had always been a pervert but I would have thought that after getting married he would have stopped. Then again, this is my Uncle we're talking about.


As the day went along, Ayuma and Kayuma talked to me about how their students were learning quickly and how the next generation was sure to be strong. Mochigo showed me around the village and told me about the new villagers that had decided to move in. It was fun hanging out with Mochigo because he was my best friend- and no I do not like him! Mochigo and I agreed to just be friends so our friendship wouldn't be ruined. (Plus Papa threatened him and said if he got any funny ideas then he'd be dealing with Tetseiga.)

Anyway, as the Sun was going down, I watched from one of the hills at how the sky was going from a blue color to a dark orange. As I was watching the sunset, I saw something move over the horizon. I squinted in the light in order to see and I was exstatic to find out that it was Papa and Uncle Miroku.

"Papa!" I shouted with excitment as I ran towards him.

Papa saw me coming and started running towards me. We met half way and embraced in a father-daughter hug. I let Papa's scent overwhelm me as he held me tightly.

"Hey there kiddo," he said. "How are you?"

I giggled like I was 6 again. "I'm fine Papa," I said with a big smile. "We have new neighbors in the village. Oh, and Mama and Aunt Sango are making dinner tonight."

Papa smirked. Everytime Mama and Aunt Sango cooked it meant that it was going to be a feast.


It was a feast at dinner, just like I thought it would be, and it was delicious. "You've outdone yourselves yet again my dears." Uncle Miroku commented.

"Why thank you Miroku." Mama said.

"So Papa, what happened to the demon you went to slay?" I asked with excitment. Everytime Papa came back from slaying a demon, he would tell us about what had happened.

Once his mouth was clear of food, Papa began to weave the tale; "Miroku and I were walking through the forest, looking for the demon. It was quiet, too quiet actually. Then suddenly, from out of nowhere came this large snake demon. It tried to grab us with its tail but Miroku threw a sutra at it and then I grabbed Tetseiga and used the Wind Scar to slice it into tiny bit. But then-"

Papa stopped in mid-sentence. He looked alarmed, meaning trouble was not far away. "What's the matter Inuyasha?" Mama asked.

"I smell blood," Papa answered. "And it's not far from here."

"We should proabably check it out." Aunt Sango said as she grabbed her Hiraikotsu.

Papa, Mama, Aunt Sango and Uncle Miroku all grabbed their weapons and prepared to leave. "You 4 stay here until we return." Uncle Miroku told us.

We nodded in agreement and waited. We waited and waited but there was no sign of them. "What's taking them so long?" I asked with worry and impatience.

"They'll be fine Izayoi," Ayuma reassured me. "Our parents our capable of handling things themselves."

That's when someone walked through the hut. I was hoping it was either Mama or Papa but it wasn't them. It wasn't Aunt Sango or Uncle Miroku either. No it was Kohaku. He looked like he had been on a battlefield or something because he had cuts all over his body and blood coming from them.

Right before he fell to the floor, Mochigo went to catch him. "Kohaku, are you ok?" he asked.

Kohaku struggled with pain but said the following words that changed everything; "Naraku is back."

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