Chapter 46: The Past is Hard to Bury

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3rd Person's POV

The group of travelers were walking through the forest on foot. Arrosa was at the back, as always, keeping to herself. She was thinking to herself about many things; Naraku, the others, the sacred jewel, etc. There were so many things flooding her mind that it was somewhat hard to focus. 

As they walked, Izayoi noticed Arrosa in the back. She felt really bad for the priestess. In a way, Izayoi knew how she felt. Of course Izayoi's Father wasn't the evil Naraku bent on destroying her and trying to turn her into a killing machine but still. 

Iziyaoi stopped walking and waited for Arrosa to catchup. "Hey Arrosa," Izayoi said to the priestess. 

"Hello," Arrosa whispered back. 

Izayoi sighed. She didn't want Arrosa to be stuck in her shell. It just wasn't right. I wish there was some way I could make her feel better, Izayoi thought as they walked. Maybe I....

Suddenly, Arrosa came to a stop. She looked to her left but all that was there were trees, at least, that's what it seemed like to the others. However, to the young priestess, in that direction was something very important to her. 

Arrosa then broke into a run to the left and ran as fast as she could. "Arrosa," Izzy shouted. "Where are you going?" 

"I need to check on something!" Arrosa shouted as she ran through the woods. 

"Come on," Ayuma said. "We need to make sure she's safe." 


Arrosa ran for several minutes until she finally came to a clearing where an old hut, that was in shambles, was falling apart. Arrosa slowly made her way to the hut as memories flooded into her mind; 


4-year old Arrosa sat on the ground, playing with an old doll her Mother had brought her. She moved the doll left and right and held it closely to her chest in a tight hug. As she played, she would look up at her Mother every now and again to see her Mother hanging up the laundry to dry or something like that. 

Kikyo looked Arrosa every now and again too and would smile each time she would look at her child. Even if her Father was Naraku, Arrosa was so sweet and innocent that it was a hard fact for Kikyo to believe sometimes. "Mother," Arrosa spoke. "Can I ask you a question?" 

"What is it Arrosa?" Kikyo asked, stopping the current chore she was doing. 

"Well, I was wondering, why don't we live in a village with other people?" 

Kikyo frowned a little. She didn't have the heart to tell her child the truth about her, not yet anyways. She didn't want her child to fear her Mother, but she would need to know at some point in her life. Still, the thought of Arrosa hating her gave Kikyo nightmares. 

The priestess kneeled down so she could look her child in the eyes. "Arrosa, I can't tell you yet," Kikyo replied. "But I promise that you will know when you're older. Understand?" 

"Yes Mother,"  Arrosa replied. 

Now, in real time, Arrosa looked into the hut and found the old doll she played as a child. The doll still had its hair and clothes on but it was stil faded and old. 

More memories soon flooded back. 


6-year old Arrosa tried her best to steady her arrow as she aimed for a tree. When the arrow was released, it went right past the tree though. "It's no use," Arrosa sighed. "I'll never be as good as Mother." 

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