Chapter 40: Arrosa's Dark Side

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Last time, the necklace that locks Arrosa's demonic nature was broken. What will our heroes do now? 

Izayoi's POV

"Arrosa, what do we do?" I asked in a panic as she held her hand to her chest. 

"I-I-I must......get to Mt. Yani.......It, has the materials I need....for another necklace." Arrosa struggled to say. She was already losing herself. 

"Okay, Ayuma, Kayuma, and Mochigo I need you to watch over the half-demons with Shippo." I instructed.

"What?!" they yelled in response. 

"Izayoi, you can't do this by yourself!" Kayuma shouted. "You can't just-" 

"I know already!" I shouted in response, shocking everyone. "I need to keep you guys safe though. Just listen to me." I needed to keep them safe. I was half-demon, meaning that if Arrosa were to attack with any miasma, I wouldn't have to worry too much. But if the others got hit.....I don't even want to think about what would happen. 

Ayuma walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just promise us that you'll come back. The both of you." she requested. 

I nodded and then went to pick up Arrosa. "Hope, let's go." I said. My little twin-tailed cat friend came to my side. She transformed into her large cat form and then allowed me to place Arrosa on her back. I got on as well and then we were in the air, on our way to Mt. Yani. 

3rd Person's POV 

The flight through the air was quiet, except for Arrosa heavy breathing. Sweat went down Izayoi's back as she heard Arrosa groan in pain. With every moan that came from Arrosa the more demonic blood filled her body. Please Arrosa, just hold on, Izayoi thought. 

Meanwhile, at Naraku's castle, Naraku watched from Kanna's mirror how Arrosa was slowly losing herself. "Soon you'll become like my Arrosa," Naraku spoke. "And once you do, you will kill Izayoi." 

"Now I see," Kagura said from the other end of the room. "The only reason you really wanted to attack the village was so you could unleash the demon that lurks inside of that girl." 

Naraku smirked. "It's much more than that Kagura," Naraku said. "You see, even though I wish for Izayoi to die, I need to use her." 

Kagura raised her eyebrow in questioning. What was Naraku planning to do with the daughter of Inuyasha?


There it was, Mt. Yani. "We're here Arrosa." Izayoi told her friend. 

Arrosa could only nod. She was in so much pain that it was hard for her to think. She could feel herself slipping into darkness. She had to stay strong though, for her friends. 

Izayoi picked Arrosa up and placed the older girl on her back and started carrying her up the mountain. "Okay Arrosa, maybe it would help if you tell me some things about yourself," Izayoi suggested. "Like, who taught you how to be a priestess." 

"It....was an elderly woman," Arrosa answered. "She....took care of me.....since I was a young girl." 

"I see," Izayoi responded. "That's cool. So....can you tell me a little more about Kikyo? Everyone's always talking about how she was a powerful woman who-" 

"She wasn't just powerful," Arrosa interrupted. "To me, she was also a beautiful woman." 

Izayoi was glad that Arrosa was opening up to her. There was so much that she didn't know about the young priestess. "Where exactly do we have to go on the mountain?" Izayoi asked. 

"We're....almost there," Arrosa replied weakly. "Just....keep going..." 


Izayoi placed Arrosa down on the ground. Arrosa's eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow. "Hold on Arrosa. Just tell me what I have to do." 

"......Find....the special the top of the....mountain..."

Izayoi nodded and left Arrosa to rest against the tree. Arrosa could hear Naraku's voice in her head. "You can't fight it Arrosa," Naraku daunted. "Stop struggling." 

"Stop," Arrosa panted as sweat down her face. "L-leave me alone." 

Naraku cackled. "It's already too late my dear." 


"I think this is it," Izayoi said as she looked at the small gem in her hand. It looked very similar to the one Arrosa had before. Izayoi placed it into her pocket and then made her way down the mountain. "Arrosa! I found it." 

However, when Izayoi arrived at the tree where she had left the other priestess, Izayoi found that she was gone. "Arrosa? Where are you?" Izayoi sniffed the air, trying to find Arrosa's scent when all of a sudden, a tentacle attakced her from behind. Thankfully, Izayoi jumped out of the way in time. She looked over her shoulder to see Arrosa standing there with a smirk on her face. Arrosa's eyes had changed as well; they were now a deep red that resembled that of Naraku's. 

"Oh Izayoi," Arrosa spoke. "You must be a fool. Obviously you didn't take into account how quickly the demon blood would flow through my veins. Now I am free."

"Arrosa, snap out of it," Izayoi exclaimed. "This isn't you! You're letting yourself be taken over!" 

"Shut-up!" A tentacle then went at Izayoi's throat, choking her and placing her up against a tree. "You pathetic half-breed. I am no longer that pathetic human. Now, I am free to do as I please. No longer will I have to hide who I am." 

"Arrosa," Izayoi choked out. "T-this isn' can't just....let Naraku control you." 

"Naraku isn't controlling me. I make my own decisions now." 

As Arrosa kept talking, Izayoi reached into her pocket and pulled out the stone. "Well I'm changing you back." With that, Izayoi threw the stone right at Arrosa's neck, causing the young girl to scream in pain- dropping Izayoi in the process. The young girl watched as Arrosa sunk to her knees and held her throat. Soon, Arrosa's eyes went from red to brown and her tentacles disappeared. 


The older priestess looked at Izayoi and gave her a small smile. "I'm fine." 

Izayoi had a confident smirk on her face as she helped Arrosa to her feet. "Come on," Izayoi said. "Let's head to Kaede's village." 

Arrosa nodded as Izayoi whistled for Hope. The girls then got on top of the cat demon and made their way to Kaede's village where the others waited for them. 

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