Prologue: The Birth of a Little Girl

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Here we go everyone! This is the arrival of Izayoi.

"Now just push on the count of 3, ok Kagome?" Sango instructed. Kagome only nodded. "Ok, 1...2....3, push!"

Kagome let out a screech as she pushed as hard as possible. This is insane! Kagome thought. After you come out kid, I need to have a serious talk with Inuyasha!

"Ye are doing great Kagome." Kaede said as she applied a cloth to Kagome's head.

"H-how...m-much longer?" Kagome asked, breathing in gasps.

"Just a little bit more Kagome." Sango said.

Meanwhile, outside the hut, Inuyasha paced back and forth with anticipation. "Calm down Inuyasha," Miroku told his friend. "Kagome will be ok."

"Easy for you to say," Inuyasha said. "Something's going to happen, I know it!"

"Wow Inuyasha, I've never seen you like this before." Shippo said.

Kagome's scream was heard from inside and Inuyasha was about to run in but something came after the scream; "SIT BOY!"

The half-demon was sent face-first into the ground. "Why?" Inuyasha asked from his hole in the ground. 

After a few minutes instead of Kagome's scream the sound of a young baby was heard. Sango soon came out of the hut with sweat dripping down her face. "Is Kagome ok?" Inuyasha asked the demon slayer.

"Yes," Sango said with a smile. "Oh and you probably should see your new daughter Inuyasha."

Inuyasha's face went to shock. "D-d-daughter?" he staggered.

Sango smirked and then nodded. "Would you like to see her?"

Of course Inuyasha nodded and then went into the hut. Inside he found Kagome on the floor holding a small baby in a little blanket. Her small little head popped out from the blanket and revealed her beautiful black hair with white tips and black dog ears. As Inuyasha walked closer to Kagome the baby's head turned to look at her Father, revealing her beautiful eyes that seemed to be a mixture of brown and gold.

As Inuyasha kneeled next to Kagome, his wife smiled at him and he smiled back at her. "Isn't she beautiful Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

"She is," Inuyasha said. "She looks like you Kagome."

"So what're you going to name her?" Shippo asked.  

"Well I was thinking of naming her Izayoi." Kagome said.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome with a shocked face. "You want to name her after my mother?" he asked.

Kagome nodded before looking back at her little baby girl, now sound asleep.

And this is only the beginning for Izayoi. She will be like both her parents as she becomes older. Now what do you guys think? Comment below please.

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