Chapter 70: Training Time for the Daughters

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Izayoi's POV 

During the middle of the night, I woke-up to find Papa walking outside. He seemed to be trying to keep quiet as he walked outside but he wasn't doing a very good job at it. My super-sensitive ears picked up the sound as soon as Papa's feet touched the floor. He never was good at being quiet. 

I was quiet as I followed him outside. He took in a breath of fresh air and then took off running. What is he up to? I wondered before I followed after him. He wasn't under a trance I knew that much. When he was under Naraku's trance, he just got up and walked away. This time, however, he was intentionally trying to be quiet while before he could've cared less about being quiet. 

I made sure to keep close to Papa while staying out of his field of smell so he didn't know I was following him. I went all ninja on him. 

3rd Person's POV 

Ayuma and Kayuma shared the same room with each other in their home and practically did everything at the same pace. This included falling asleep. When they were close to sleeping, they both heard footsteps out in the hall. The twins sat up at the same time and snuck their way towards the door to find the shadow of their Mother heading down the hall. 

"Where could Mother be going at this hour of night?" Kayuma wondered. 

"I don't know," Ayuma admitted. "Let's follow her and see where she goes." 

The two twins got out of their pajamas, grabbed their weapons, and followed their Mother as she went outside. They noticed Kilala by her side as she went out. They watched from inside the house as Sango, along with Kilala, made their way towards the woods, unsure of what their Mother was up to. 

Izayoi's POV 

Soon, Papa came to a stop in a clearing in the forest with trees surrounding him on all sides. I watched from a tree branch as Papa took his sword out from its sheathe and allowed it to transform. "What are you doing Papa?" I whispered to myself. 

Papa stood there with his eyes closed for a good silent minute. Then, when he opened his eyes, he quickly swung his sword towards some trees and shouted, "Wind Scar!" as the attack went towards the trees that were quickly sliced into pieces of wood. 

I get it now, I realized. He's doing night training with his sword. 

Papa kept at this for a few minutes, slicing at the trees and air, before finally stopping to take a break. (He almost hit me a few times but I jumped out of the way before he could hit me though). Once he was done, Papa placed Tetsiga into its sheath and then turned to look in my direction. "Izayoi, get down from there," he said. 

I did as he requested and got down from the tree I was in. "How long did you know I was there?" I asked. 

"The whole time," He replied. "You're not very quiet you know." 

"Neither are you Papa," I laughed. 

Papa rolled his eyes. "Since you're here, why don't we do some training?" 

"Really Papa?! You mean it?!" Papa and I hadn't done any real one-on-one training since I was a kid. Now he wanted to do one-on-one training with me. 


"Awesome! Thank you Papa!" 

3rd Person's POV 

Ayuma and Kayuma followed their Mother for several minutes until she came to a clear field where pots and dummies were set up. Sango stood their with Kilala sitting not too far away and her weapon in hand. Then, without warning, Sango shouted, "Hiraikotsu!" and then threw her weapon at the pots, breaking all the pots in one go. Then she slashed at the dummies with her blades in the blink of an eye. 

"Wow," the girls quietly gasped, impressed by their Mother's amazing skills. 

"You girls know that spying is wrong, right?" Sango commented, not even glancing back at the girls.

The girls looked back and forth between each other and then at their Mother, trying to understand how their Mother could've known they were there. They had remained completely still and hadn't moved an inch since they came to a stop to see what Sango was up to. 

Sango turned to face the girls and placed her hands on her hips. She tapped her foot on the ground as she looked at where her twin daughters were hiding. "Are you two going to answer me or not?" 

"Yes Mother," both twins answered, coming out from their hiding spot. They stood in front of her and waited for what she had to say. Sango looked at the girls. 

"How did you know we were there?" Ayuma asked. 

"It's from all my training," Sango replied. "Now please tell me what you two were doing spying on me?" 

"We were just following you to see what you were up to is all," Kayuma replied. 

"I see." Sango placed Hiraikotsu into her holder and then walked over to her little girls. "Well if you girls are staying here, why don't you two help me train?"

"Really?!" The twins said at the same time. 

"Of course," Sango took out Hiraikotsu while the twins got out their weapons. "Let's go." 


The three girls were carried home by their parent and laid down in their beds. Izayoi, Ayuma, and Kayuma were fast asleep and tired from the training. They were definitely stronger because of it but they were also worn out as well. 

This is a long time in the making. I know it's not much but I had to do a daughter-like chapter. Hopefully the next one will come soon.

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